
Do you like italy???if yes,which city in particular????

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a kiss for all united kingdom!!!!!!!!




  1. Venice, Venice and again Venice...

    Very special, so romantic and full of history !

  2. Venice, my town!

  3. Unfortunately most "tourists" only go for brief visits and see the large and crowded cities. Yes, Firenze, Venezia, etc. are wonderful, however the true nature of Italy and all that is special is to be found in the tucked away small towns and villages that rarely see a tourist.

  4. Venice is GORGEOUS and VERY EXPENSIVE! But h**l!!! Drinking a 330cl of mineral water for 7 Euros in San Marco square (Piazza) while listening to classical music and watching the gondola's....well worth it!

  5. Yes, I like Italy and I was many times.If I must to choose a city it will be.......two : Venice for its special charm and Rome for its history and culture. Thank you for such a big kiss and, please, send my best regards to Amiral Nelson (I suppose he is still in Trafalgar Square ).

  6. I love Italy. My favourite cities are Venice, so romantic. Rome, so much history and culture and Florence more culture and history. I wasn't too keen on Naples but really enjoyed the Amalfi coast and Capri.

    If I had to pick a favourite I think it would be Venice. (just an old romantic I suppose)

    I was in Italy last May.

  7. firenze

  8. Well i Love Italy ..A Lot ..

    Hmm i Like Milano ..Shopping There is Amazing

    Food Yummmmmmmmmmmy ..But Makes You Fat A Lot ...

    Ice Cream is The Best .. i Like 3 Streets in Milano Only

    Via Montenapelone , Via Sant Andres and Via Dells Spiga .. Sorry im Not Sure of Some of the Spellings ...

    Thanks For Asking

    Nice Question

  9. I love Italy, been 4 times, stayed in Jesolo for 7months (chef training)fantastic and of course Venice

  10. I hope so, I'm going to Tremezzo ( Lake Como) next month

  11. Yes I love Venice I have only seen pictures of it although I defiantly would love to go to for once in my life!

  12. I love Italy. Anywhere in Sicily. I'm going in December.

  13. i love italy, even though i've never been there. but one day, i hope i can go. for now i watching the RAI channel on Sundays. :))

  14. Rome.....preferred it to Venice!!  Much more to see....better atmosphere...but a bugger to cross the road!!!!!

  15. I love Italy. I love cuneo (borgo san dalmazo), near France and Monaco.

  16. I love Italy, it feels like my spiritual home.  I lived in Padova, about 30 km from Venice, a few years ago and had the best time of my life. I love the Veneto region.  You should try to get to Verona, Vicenza, Treviso and of course Padova.  Venice is amazing, but is expensive.  Florence is also a very beautiful city with so much art and history.  I'm not keen at all on Milan, I don't know what it is, I just feel uncomfortable whenever I go there and can't wait to get away.  I haven't been to the south much, I've been to Rome once and Pompeii which was truly remarkable.  I'd really like to do more travelling in the south and go to Puglia (to see the "trulli" houses) and across to Sicilly.  Each region is different.  For example the dialects that are spoken, the food, the people's mentality.  To me Italy is a beautiful country, with a beautiful language and, it goes without saying, beautiful food.

  17. Florence is the most beautifully city that I've been to in the world.

    I also had the most amazing pizza that I've ever had there and the biggest steak

  18. Love it.  Poor at the language, enjoy fathomimg it out from books and deciphering the magazines and guidebooks while I'm there.  Absolutely adore Venice, have been there numerous times.  Have heard peolpe say after their first visit that it's never like that again.  They're right - once the magic of the first visit wears off you find more magic the more you explore and learn.  What about the Carnival, and then the Bridge of Boats/firework display?  Think I'll order a take-away pizza.

  19. venice its very beautiful and worth visiting as its sinking and may not be around one day to see

  20. Yes I do, but I have never been.  I wish to go someday.  I have family there....

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