
Do you like karate more than danceing?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i like them both....dancing showed me the principles of some techniques i was otherwise having trouble when I say dancing i dont mean in a class i mean just doing it like at the club or a party lol i dont have the patience to learn also helps with footwork i do both daily atleast once...

  2. I do not like to dance.  I may humor my wife once a year IF I had a few drinks, and I don't drink very often.

    On the other hand, I do karate nearly every day.

  3. i have done dance when i was 3 and i did not like all.... if you dont mind hearing a story >.>

    on my firts dance recitle when i was three i practiced doing everything backwards and since i was the tallest i was in the middle, i preformed and was the star... i was then kicked out....

    :D the next thing i did was martial arts! OF WHICH I LOVED and never quite <(^_^)>

  4. Me dancing is not a pretty site at all so I would have to say karate.

  5. I like dancing.

  6. I like karate for working out, and dancing when I go clubbing.

  7. I'd rather do break-dance fighting.

  8. I went to a dance school when I was 3. I left when I was 6 and started Shotokan karate. I've been hooked on martial arts ever since . . . . .

  9. Tactically speaking, there isn't much difference between slow dancing and push hands Tai Chi! (Especially if you alternate between who leads and who follows.)

    For slow dancing your partner is usually "more interesting."

    SLOW (ballroom) dancing is good practice for martial arts. You must be alert, aware of the movements of your partner, anticipate and "take counter-actions."

  10. I do!

  11. In college around '98 "swing dancinig" was popular.  My Fraternity had a "swing dance" party.  I was dancing with a nice young lady and my Aikido / Ju Jutsu muscle memory took over and I accidently pulled some sort of backwards koshi nage / o-goshi variation

    She did not think it was funny

  12. probs no the best place to put it its kinda bias here just as it would be if you put it under dancing.

  13. I don't take Karate-Do, but I'd pick martial arts over dancing every time.

  14. I'd take karate over dancing any day. =]

  15. dont do neither but would rather do karate

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