
Do you like lightnings?:)?

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Do you like lightnings?:)?




  1. Sure do ... they are much better than darkenings

  2. no not at all

  3. yeah! it looks awsome! =))

  4. Yeah they're pretty to watch :)

  5. they are pretty from a distance.

  6. I love a good lightning storm on a summer night!

  7. hi horia.

    yes. love them. its so romantic.

    glad i could help,

    your friend the orchids torturer

  8. yes and thunders  too !

  9. The hockey team or the environmental occurance?

    Hockey Team is ok but to drive to Tampa to see them play- ugh the traffic there stinks.

    Lightening dancing across the sky or the smell right before it rains- I love that.

  10. Love them!

  11. Yes, they are pretty cool ....

  12. no, its scary

  13. Yeah, a distant lightning is the best.   Our power doesn't go out from a strike and that kind of thing.  But the lightning strikes are impressive around here.

  14. I don't when I'm by myself

    = (

  15. i love watching it.....from a distance

  16. when it flashes in the air i do but when it comes down in strikes u can say that im scared of that cuz i remember a story..... one time when i was sleepin a lightin storm hit my house and i had these battery operated toys in my closet so when it hit my house... it set off the toys.   (this when I was a little boy

  17. I enjoy purple lightning, particularly.

  18. Yes, I love Nature, and I love Lightning.

    Here are a few Examples:

           Every time there is a bad Storm, i go sit outside and enjoy the cool breeze, I listen to the thunder, and i watch the lightning. it's amazing how powerful there shocks are.


           Whenever i'm at school, when there are horrible ugly storms, my teacher and my class stay away from the windows, except for me, i go near the windows watching the lightning. Everybody always shouts " Get away from the windows"

    So, i guess you can say I LOVE lightning.....I also love Tornados :)

  19. so long as it keeps its distance its nice

  20. yeah it's cool to watch those light bolts flashing on the sky. they're so fierce!

  21. Im assuming your talking about weather - if so then yes its lovely to watch.

  22. i love watching storms..yes

  23. YES, I LOVE IT....and the 'Thunder' that usually accompanies it!!

    Nothing as 'cool' as a Big Thunder & Lightning Storm!

    UNFORTUNATELY, living in Southern California we 'rarely, if EVER' see RAIN, not to mention Thunder & Lightning.

    I remember them from when I lived  in New York!

  24. i do when i am inside all safe and warm lol. i also like watching them when i am outside with friends. Me and my friend once spent an evening trampolining in the heavy rain coz it was summer- it was really fun but extremely slippery lol

  25. Yes I love thunder and lightning! With rain!

  26. yes and the closer the better gives you a thrill up and down your spine.

  27. Well yea but a young guy of 16 was killed here in Dublin Ireland about 3 weeks ago from lightning so Like it yea but its scary stuff and can kill you ...

  28. Yes when you are indoors and watching

  29. Yep, it's nature having a crack. The Lightning jet plane is also awesome.

  30. Yes, I do, you can find me sitting on the front porch

    watching natures fireworks.

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