
Do you like living in a Dorm?

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Do you like living in a Dorm?




  1. I've had to live in a dorm room with 6 other girls. It's great most of the time. We've had our fair share of cat fights.. accused stealing's.. etc.  but mostly its just like living with some extra sisters.. it was hard at first because I first came to the school in the middle of the school year when good friends had already been established but since your going to start when everyone else does you should be okay. Everyone really gets talking and unwinding while unpacking so if you miss that you can kind of be out of the loop for a while. But other than the odd mishaps and the usual stuff it becomes a home from home.  

  2. I love living in a dorm because I don't have to worry about cooking for myself, which takes a lot of time.  My college's dorms are also closer to campus than the apartments, which is great if you're short on time.  However, living off-campus can be cheaper and may be a little more private.  If you're a first-year, though, living in the dorms is one of the main ways to meet people, so I would definitely choose a dorm if this is your case.  Good luck!

  3. It's all what you do with your space.  When I moved into my dorm it was cold and uninviting.  After some help from my girlfriend and my parents, it has become quite cozy.

  4. Its a bit of a racket.  You will pay 800-1000 dollars to share a room plus you are forced to purchase a 1300 meal plan.  An entire year easily costs 10,000 plus tuition.  You can get a studio apt for 735 dollars.   The university overcharges students.

    The dorm food all tastes the same after awhile and if you don't wear sandles in the shower you will get fungus.

    On the plus side you may get laid in your first week in the dorms.  I was there for less than a week when some girl crawled into my bed.  Everyone is probably guaranteed to get laid or a girlfriend and have multiple chances with several girls in the dorms.  And if your lucky some girls may talk you into taking showers with them.

    The downside is that your roomate may not believe in taking showers and may play Counter Strike and PC games non-stop al night long.  Friends in the dorm may also keep you from studying which is the main reason you are at a University in the first place.  On the other hand you will form long lasting friendships and studying partners and maybe a few contacts later on.

    Also be prepared for a ton of high school like drama in the dorms.  Tehre will be gambling, drinking and s*x.  Go to the library to study.  All the girls usually gain 15 lbs from dorm food and keep it and guys around 10 lbs. so hit the gym.  Also don't let your grades slip.

    You will also find a bunch of idiots in the dorms and wish some would jump off the bell tower and die.  Ignore these people and don't let anyone talk you into majoring in communications, art, dance, music, english literature or any other BS major like psychology and sociology where you will never get a job.  Stay away from femenists and people peddling rap CD's.  Also expect your RA to sleep with at least 3-4 girls and not do the job he's supposed to be doing as a resident hall admin.  Also expect the same behavior of a girl in the same position.

    At least 1 person will be kicked out of the dorm for behavior.  There will be several fights and all the girls will ahte eachother by the end of the year.  At least 2 people may fail out of the Univ. on your hall and 1 person will be charged with sexual harrasment.  Expect people to gamble there money away as well.  At least one person will be accused of being g*y.  And at least one other will be g*y.  At least one will be crazy and another suicidal and at least one will make everyone in the building nervous when he talks about his gun collection.

    If someone locks you out of your own room don't try to get the RA let you in or you may be sorry and see something you dont want to see.

    Also expect the girls to steal dorm cups, dishes, forks and knives.  Christmas eve and thanksgiving is when the best food is served because parents visit.  The rest of the time examine what you eat thoroughly.  Also, dorms are hastily constructed so if there is a fire and your dorm burns down dont be surprised.  Also, travel to college light so you dont have to move so much stuff out when you leave.  Also expect the Univ. to overcharge you for damages as well.  The Univ. views all damage regardless of type and origin as a collective effort on behalf of dorm residents to deface property so all will be charged for repairs.  BTW, how else can the UC Chancellors pay for their enormous salaries.  Also, the financial aid office is run by overworked mean people who hate students. Try to stay on their good side if that is possible.

    Finally,  the Univ. offices don't start work until 9 am.  Most start later at around 9:30-10:00.  Remember this isn't the private sector so don't expect univ. employees to act like it.  Also, you may never see, speak or hear the chancellor....although you may kiss his or her sceptor at a cermony, provided you grovel enough on you hands and knees.  We usually call this the Freshman Commencement Ceremony.  Don't bother going.  Instead, stay back at the dorm with that girl you have been eyeing all daylong.

  5. It's Ok. I rather have my own room but what can you do?

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