
Do you like living oversea's better or living in the US?

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do the military that have been stationed oversea's i'm not talking about where you visited and liked it but if you lived their, did you like your day to day life oversea's or do you like living in America better, where did you live?




  1. I love being stationed overseas with countries that have the SOFA agreement, other than that I rather be in the US.  I learned from being in other countries that we as Americans greatly doesn't understand the freedom we have!  Even though the other countries were nice to live in because it was new and cool to experience, I rather take the US any other day for domicle.

  2. I am stationed in Germany - though temporarily assigned to the shithole that is Iraq - and even though I like it in Germany I still want to be home in the good old U.S of A.

  3. i really miss convience like wal-mart and a gas station down the road overseas you dont really have that in germany everything opens at 6 closes at 8 and closed on sunday per the law here there is many cool mom and pop stores but sometimes i just want to walk down the road to wal-mart or something.  I am kinda glad i dont have that though we are saving up money for when we get out of the military life but it is still a nice thing.

    out of it all I have moved alot so I am not worried about freinds and what not I have met some amazing people here and its nice to get out of the box.  I prefer it over when it comes to the military because of housing reasons in the states it is murder to get into military housing plus my tricare is payed for unlike being state side we like it here so much we are here for 7 years but intend on going back

  4. Once you do it you will understand. Sure things can be different but you also get to see and experience things that civilians spend huge money for.

    I am unable to express that sense of community that Americans (and others) have overseas.

    I grew up as an Air Force brat overseas. I have always been so thank full of that. I got to learn much and appreciate that I grew up in that environment. That made me thoughtfull and not the average bear.

    I went on and have been Army myself for over 20 years. Having grown up overseas and accepting overseas assignments was a HUGE career boost. You accept one crappy assignment and most oft the next will be awesome.

    Generally once you have been stationed somewhere you don't want to leave or want to angle a way to return.  

  5. honestly.. I preferred living in Japan for some things, but for others, Stateside is better.  

  6. Being in the Army for a number of years and living in South Korea and Germany twice, I can tell you there's no place like home.

    From Ohio and now working for the Army in El Paso, Texas.  Will be retiring and moving back to Ohio next year.

  7. There are trade offs everywhere you go.  I spent 4 years growing up in Germany as an AF brat, and then back again for almost 6 as an wife.  Loved it both times!  For me it was going home.  The bad parts... walking by a 4 story book shop and everything is in German!!!  And a lack of craft stores.  (I could get material at the dept. stores.)  Otherwise, we loved it there.  Even tried to get orders to Ramstein just to stay!  Now we are in the UK.  Ok, not as good as Germany, but still!!!  The history and the experiences that we are having can't be traded off against life in the US.  Again, loving it and we are able to be more a part of our local town than we could before due to the language.

    Will I be glad to go back to the states?  Sure, but in 4 or 5 years I'll be ready to come back over again.

  8. I'm currently stationed in Sigonella Italy....   and I think there are allot of benefits both ways...   Overseas... the military/service community is VERY close knit!   You make friendships that last a lifetime, and of course the travel and culture you can enjoy while being overseas is unbelieveable!   Likewise, living in the states, where everyone speaks YOUR language and comes from YOUR culture provides a familiar comfort that you don't get overseas.

    Which is better???   Well, if you have never been stationed overseas...  DO IT!!!  Because ONLY YOU can decide whether you like it or not... and no matter where you are stationed, it is ONLY as good as YOU make it!

    I've been stationed in Guam, Korea, Italy, and Japan...  I loved them all!!!!

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