
Do you like mccains choice in vp spot?

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i really dont know her,but i was so in hopes that he would have picked romney.but i think he picked her because he thinks that it will draw women voters and hillarys votes.boy i really dont like any of the cannidates.




  1. After researching her I like her a lot.  She seems like something this country really needs. I think it was an excellent choice.

  2. She is very impressive in cleaning house and a real person not a celeb or some corrupt DC person

  3. Not in the slightest.

  4. I never would have thought the republicans would turn reality TV this pick is so shock and awe, to sell tickts all respect to all candidates but this pick makes barack look presidential

  5. The Palin pick was the McCain camp's only play.  They were losing women by double digits and hoped to pick off some, but they will not.  They won't get the women voters because Palin is the total opposite of Hillary.  She's a Republican honey pot.  Not a strong female leader.  They put a skirt up there for show.  I want to see how much they actually allow her to talk.  I can't wait until the debates...Biden will eat her alive.

  6. Yes because now its a certain Obama will win

  7. She is nothing short of impressive.

  8. Yeah, I do.

    I think it a clever move.

    She's a Washington outsider ( with executive leadership experience) and if Obama wants change she'd be it--  not that Old Washington Warhorse Biden.

  9. I want to criticize her because her husband works for the biggest oil drilling company in the world and I don't want more oil politicians in office to do nothing but raise gases, possibly to $7-10 as is their target with the next Republican. He recently went on-leave so there wouldn't appear to be a conflict of interest while his wife runs office, since his co. BP has been paying Alaska off to do offshore drilling and her husband helps lobby to increase oil taxes for a living. WAKE UP unless you love going broke keep sticking your head in the sand. I'm not gonna let a devil in disguise fool me but that's fine if guys get a hard on and vote for her so they can be a broke joke. I can't bring myself to vote for Obama, but I am not crazy to vote for more inflation and higher gas prices by oil cronies in office either.

    TODD PALIN WORKS FOR BP - world's largest oil co.

    TODD PALIN WORKS FOR BP - world's largest oil co.

    TODD PALIN WORKS FOR BP - world's largest oil co

  10. No.  I don't.  She is a joke.  

    @ paul grass...Are you kidding??? Not a celebrity or fake??? She is a beauty queen, for crying out loud!  McCain just admitted that his arguments for the last two months are BS.  Experience and "celebrity" (however that was supposed to be a negative) are GONE from the gop playbook.

  11. I would have liked Romney but this woman really does have a lot of good experience if people would take time to check her out. Actually she has more experience than most of them in the champaign right now.

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