
Do you like my first day of school outfit?[photobucket pictures]?

by  |  earlier

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hey, i have got my "firstday of school outfit" down to three choices, will you help me choose?

here are the shirts~



3)i would wear with a white cami



do you think these jeans would look good with any of those shirts up there?


the outfits on me~




so what outfit do YOU think i should wear, thanks for the answer=]





  1. i think the yellow jacket with a white cami an the dark jeans w/ the black converse. very chic. a lil....kinda preppy look but kool

  2. I love all of your outfits and I think the red shoes are great.  For the first day, I would set a serious tone and wear number 3 with black shoes.  Then after that loosen up and wear the others.  However, trust your own judgment and wear what you like best.

  3. I like the second one, I like the mustard yellow it pops, not very fond of the other two.

  4. Girly look: pink shirt w/ white cami and the pair of A&F jeans, black shoe

    Punk look: Black shirt, black shoe, dark jeans

    "Cool" look: Yellow jacket w/ white cami, dark jeans, red shoe

    They are all really cute, so just pick the one that matches your personality and style! Good luck!

  5. I really like the outfit with the jacket and converses! REALLY CUTE! I was going to say that the vans were really cute until I saw the additional details lol..Best of Luck with your outfit and first day of school sweetie! :)

  6. i would go with number two and the converse its really cute


  7. outfit #2!

    the yellowish jacket with jeans

    SUPER cute

  8. All of these outfits are so cute! For the first day i would wear the yellow jacket (and the white cami),the dark blue jeans,and the black high top converse shoes,that would be so cute!

  9. i like the jacket one. if you wear the black top then wear it with the lighter torn jeans because then the black kind of pops out more.

  10. I like the first outfit the best but they're all really cute. I think the black converse look the best with your tops. Hope I helped.

  11. err i dont really love any of the tops, mayb try the yellow one? I love the light jeans tho! Not crazy about the red shoes....

  12. the first outfit looks best on you.

    wear the yellow jacket thingy for the 2nd day.

    and then the black shirt the third day.

    ((cute clothes u have really good taste))

  13. I like the thrid outfit. Maybe its because I like black. But, do you have any red nail polish? I think you do because I guess you had some on your toes in one of the pictures.. xD lol. Well, you could paint your fingernails red, and wear the red shoes instead of the black shoes, in the third outfit..

    Just a thought` :D

    Hope I helped!

  14. Definitely the first one!!! You look GORGEOUS in that outfit! The black shirt with the outfit makes you look too goth, the mustard is also cute but thats not my favorite!! ;)

    Please answer mine♥;...

    and/or this one::;...

    Thanks && best of luck!! =]

  15. i think you should wear the first outfit with the pink shirt the first day, and the second outfit with the yellow jacket on the second day. i really like both of them

  16. I absolutely love number 3 (the yellow jacket), the jacket is soo freaking cute! I really want one now haha. But yes I'd go with choice 3 but all of them are super cute. Plus i love your converse I have the same ones lol =]

  17. I think everything looked really good on you, but for the first day I would wear the yellow jacket or the pink shirt with the jeans that you had on. the destroyed jeans would also look cute with the yellow jacket. =)

  18. ewh. i dont like the first two shirts at alll. wear the yellow jacket and cami and the second jeans. forget the red shoes.

  19. i like the third outfit the best.

  20. OMFG the second outfit! I totally loved it!

    Now I'm gonna ask a question like this. Because my first day of school is tomorrow and idk what to wear at all!

    But seriously,go with the second one. Or the third they both look great!

    all in all, wear what is most comfortable to you. That matters most.

    =] Good luck and thank you for answering my Q!

  21. Second outfit with the red shoes... wear your hair done and straightened. Match it with a long silver, red, OR gold necklace.

  22. The secdond outift(jacket && cami) with the black chucks.

  23. i would think that for the outfits on you either number 2 or number 3 both of them look so hot, but with the all-stars of course. I would say..well its hard to choose either 2 or 3 thats alll i can say. you have a great figure btw!

  24. Hi! I think all of those outfits are really cute! I really like the pink one with the red shoes and jeans! Good luck on the first day!

  25. Wear the first shirt, it actually has color and it isn't TOO plain. Don't wear those shoes, buy a new pair of sandals or something, because those shoes don't match at all.

    I like the white cami and yellow vest, but the color of the vest kind of throughs the look of really badly.

    I would really advice something that pops more. Like i am wearing a white and red polkadoted V neck, collar shirt with a black vest.

    Take the risk, don't stay so. . . .in the box

    hope this helps!

  26. OMG!!  I love the yellow jacket with the white cami.  I think it would look better with the lighter jeans though.  It looks great with the dark ones too.  The red shoes wouldn't go with the yellow jacket.

    I have a pair of red high top converse and I wear them with everything.  Even if I'm wearing a dress.  If your trying to match, then just stick to the black converse.  If you want to be funky wear the red vans.

    Hope I helped!!!  :)

  27. I think you should wear the Second or Third outfits. The Third one is more casual while the Second one is very stylish. Maybe you should add some jewlery, like bracelets. Or stud earings.

    Either way, cute outfit.  

  28. kEwwL.

    You Should wear this one:

    It looks cool.

    well thats what i think. =]

  29. I think the mustard outfit is the cutest, look good.

    And I like the red shoes too :)

    Thank you for your answer by the way!

  30. I like your style of clothes, and I think all of them are cute.

    But I like the first on you. But then again, the 2nd is cute too. I'd wear the 1st one on the first day, and the 2nd one on the 2nd.

  31. the second one is really cute!

    i'd go with that one or the last one.

    the jeans look fine, btw.

    good luck on your first day!

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