
Do you like my idea for a Hover board and skate park?

by  |  earlier

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My idea may sound silly to you but i do have a wild imagination, probly cause im a kid but still i just wanted to get it out there. So i thought maby you could make a skate park where the floor and all the ramps were layered with positive magnets and all the hover boards had positive magnets in em, And on the board there are 2 wide buttens that you could hit with your feet while riding which let you controll the amount of positive magnitisim in the board so it would become farther or closer to the ground. Well thats it, i hope it doesnt sound stupid.




  1. i had an idea like that once too, no where near as thought out as yours though. it actually sounds possible but the only problem would be being able to balance. that problem could be solved be having the perimeter of the boards have positive magnets and the area of the boards have negative magnets so it provides stability.

    sounds like it would be fun.

  2. that`d be a great idea

  3. that's an awesome idea, patent it before someone steals it! although it would be pretty expensive

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