
Do you like my makeup?

by  |  earlier

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i've made some makeup tutorials on youtube, and i was wondering if you guys like them. here's the link:




  1. u need to have a clearer voice

    and the lighting isnt that great i cant tell the difference at all

    your vids are okay iv seen better

    :] but keep making them

  2. okay- horrible lighting, you say UMMM way to much. 'this was requested by... uhm.. I don't know' that just looks bad. FOr makeup for like 12 - 13 r old, it's great. The make up you use is not very practical, try getting things from a drugstore, or walmart, no an eye shadow container with like 70 shadows. Don't wea any make up when you start the video, and take a before and after picture sp we can see the difference, because you're colors aren't really noticable in the lighting.

  3. theyre awesomee. youre so natural i watch the one with purple something. and 2 more. it's ok ;]

  4. Yes! It looks really nice with your face. I didn't have a chance to watch all of them of course, but I do really like your choices. I agree, better lighting would be a good choice. Maybe get a light behind so the glare from your screen won't be so much?

    I love your color choices. Very light, pretty. It coordinates with your hair and really brings out your cheeks. I can't really tell your age, but I would say that as you get older you'll be able to really pull off the light, "colors" look. The pinks, blues, purples, etc. Great work! Really professional.

  5. I don't really know, I would suggest getting better lighting.

    No, it's not the lighting, it's the lack of pigment in your eyeshadows.

  6. Very Cute. but I can't see your makeup you look the same in every tutorial I can't tell the  before the makeup or after the makeup? Maybe better lighting or brighter makeup would help, yeah better pigmented shadows
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