
Do you like my makeup

by  |  earlier

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here is a picture of me, ignore my uglieness

which eye do you like better

one has just mascera, and the other has eyeliner and mascera

which do you think i should wear every day

or do you think i should go with neither

if you dont like my eyeliner, how else would you suggest to put it on[pictures are cool]




  1. I personally prefer the right eye (with the eyeliner) only because your other eye barely looks like it has anything on it. But, if the natural look was what you were going for, then that's fine. If you're going to wear eyeliner, however, wear it on your top lash line only. Or, you can wear less on the bottom, and smudge it a little to make the line less harsh.

    I hope I helped, and keep on being beautiful :)

  2. i like the left eye, it's wayyyy more natural looking.

    i think eyeliner is overrated and makes people look fake. or at-least too much of it does.

    and your deff not ugly, yourr really pretty don't let yourself down like that :)

  3. i think that you would look best just using mascara on the top.

    you have gorgeous eyes but all the eyeliner takes away them!

    and the mascara on the bottom makes them look smaller. the mascara on the top opens them up and highlights them though!

    they would look better more natural.

    hope i helped. (:

  4. I don't like eye make up on you. It makes you look...S****y. I'm just being honest. You look really young so it just looks wrong on you.

    If you must do the mascara and a little eyeliner and it looks like you put eyeliner on the top lid, if you did, use a liquid eyeliner (top only or you'll look like a hooker). It takes some practice but get a good make up remover (almay makes a purple one that I love) and a bunch of Q tips. Dip the Q tip in the make up remover and then wipe off some of the eyeliner if it's too thick.

    that's my advice.

  5. ur sooooo not ugly! but i don't like the eyeliner on u. u look too young to be wearing eyeliner or even to be worrying about make-up. u could wear just mascara w/ a little bit of blue eyeshadon to bring out ur eyes.

  6. First of all you are not ugly. You do look like you've been crying though. Second I like eyeliner and mascara. The eyeliner is actually supposed to go on the bottom eye lid. It is supposed to go on that crease. If you really want to look pretty and feel pretty all you have to do is do something new to your hair. Get some name brand clothes like Abercrombie&Fitch and Hollister Co and Aeropostale and American Eagle. Get a decent bra that will give you some lift and then you should be good from what I see.

  7. just use mascara

    the eyeliner is to harsh with you skin tone

  8. no i dont like ur makeup..

    u need black mascara-  try cover girl lash blast,

    and some dark brown eyeliner on the bottom,

    not alot tho (for the eyeliner)
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