
Do you like my name?

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Clara is my name, middle name is Ann.

Is my name elegant or old fashioned?

I get compliments from teachers, but they are of the older variety. :]

I don't know any girl my age [early teen] with it.

**My name is pronounced kuh laire uh.

NOT kuh lar uh.






  1. i think it&#039;s pretty .

  2. It is old-fasioned but it&#039;s very pretty.

  3. It sounds more old fashioned but I am not saying it is a bad name. I like it personally.

  4. I love it. Nice name.  

  5. it sounds old fashioned but at least there wont be anyone else with the same can always change it if you want.

  6. That&#039;s a nice name. If you get tired of Clara Ann

    just use Claire.

  7. I would say Clara is somewhat older and Ann is definitely old

    I think you could be elegant and old fashioned - the best of both worlds:)

  8. Ann is very common and old fashioned.  

  9. My friend Joel say&#039;s it&#039;s a very nice name.  

  10. i think its very cute

    i would love it if my name were that

    and im a teen :)

    its veryy nice, i love it

    and no its not old fashioned, and yeah kinda elegant :)  

  11. Old Fashioned

  12. its a nice name.

    i say elegant.

    it sounds to me like a queens name.

    but that&#039;s just my opinion.

    your name is lovely.

  13. I love your name! I wish I had your name! :))

  14. Normally I would think it&#039;s old-fashioned but I like the pronounciation I like old-fashioned names with a new pronounciation though sometimes it can get annoying.

  15. its not bad. but yes. it is old fashioned.

  16. It sounds more old fashioned than elegant.

    Its like from an old fashioned book.

  17. Yes, very elegant and not a common cookie cutter name.

    Kudos to your parents

  18. im sorry but i think your name is hideous. What kind of parents would put you through that torture. Yeah your teachers say they like it cause they are old farts and just want to build self esteem. When you are old enough you should change your name right away or beg your parents to change it cause who would want to be name kuh lar uh ewwwwwwwwwwwwww sorryyy no hard feeelings.

    BUT the ann part is even worse

    good luck getting made fun of  

  19. I&#039;ve met teens and early teens with that name. As a teen, I like it. It&#039;s cute.  

  20. It reminds me of like the 50`s.

  21. It is an old-fashioned name, but that adds to the charm and makes it elegant :)

    There are too many people with made-up names and modern sounding names that many people envy those with the old-fashioned names.

    And be glad there&#039;s no one else with your name! It makes you just that much more unique! :)

  22. I would vote more elegant! I love your name - its definitely not a name that should worry you so take the teachers compliments as compliments!!!

    (hey if you really don&#039;t like it which i don&#039;t see why you shouldn&#039;t, you can always shorten it to Claire!)

  23. Yes! It&#039;s very pretty! It&#039;s indescribable!

  24. Clara is an old-fashioned name, but you can always bring it back !

    It&#039;s elegant though, and as long as you like it, nothing else matters .

  25. Yes I do like your name. I think its a good thing that not alot of people have your name beacuse its a unique name. =) .  

  26. I like it

    Its not a very common name, which is a good thing.

  27. i think its classy but elegant. i wouldnt say old fashioned. i think its beautiful!  

  28. I like it, but if you don&#039;t u can just use your middle &quot;Ann&quot;. Your family and friends will prob all call you the Clara name,but new people you meet with call you Ann. So, My first name ends with a D, Ted, and I did not like it. It tripped me up in interviews to say Ted____and then my last name. Now I go by John_____ which flows nicely with my last name. It has been this way 20 years

  29. I like your name it is both elegant and classy... and the fact that no one has your name makes it even better your name is also both normal and uncommon which is hard to find in a name... but u really shouldn&#039;t care what I think or anyone else for that matter...

  30. Its pretty.  

  31. i love it its elegant pretty and if i was to hear your name before i got to meet you i would think u were a  great person and nice
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