
Do you like my new poem?

by  |  earlier

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Have you seen Codified Clyde,

He’s found another good place to hide,

Way in the back,

Behind a tall stack,

Have you seen Codified Clyde,

He knows where to draws all the lines,

He knows how to mark and define,

Red pen in his hand,

A hot iron brand,

Have you seen Codified Clyde? Yea, yea, yea…


My first new one in days. That silly Kevin was the one who's unspired it....




  1. Cocified Clyde is a man in Disguise,

    I see him Hiding in the back,

    Way beyond the Old tall stack.

    Hush and Listen,You'll See him too.

    Look In The Mirror,For He Is YOU!


  2. Polythene Pam oh yeah! I felt the rhythm right from the start! well done!

  3. No I haven't.

    I mean yes I have

  4. An editor running amok, usually with good points though. At least it is not a broadsword!  Does he or she loves you?

  5. I am confident, maybe not as confident as Clyde, but the beetle song I want to hold your hand comes to mind!

  6. You've been very busy, yes?

    Yes, I like your new poem.

  7. Beatles song: She Loves You

    Nice poem TD

  8. Guilty as charged!  Clever write...a pair of limmericks with rapier wit.  Nicely done

  9. "Unspired," another new word from the Master Wordsmith.  I am going to put on a Beatles CD (right, I don't have an ipod) and sing this song a few hundred times.

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