
Do you like my poem?

by  |  earlier

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Pain seeps from my veins

Relief is on its way

to wash away my stains

The truth is near

I'll shout it from the rooftops

for everyone to hear

my agony on display

If only I'd ever knew

That it would wind up this way

Songs of tears

a playlist to be filled

with horror and fears

with terror in my eyes

I will succeed

despite the ones I despise

I've rid of the fear

it's gone forever

the end is here




  1. it's good in my opinion, sounds like you're going through some tough times though. ever asked god for help? that's what i do. although i often write poetry when i'm really depressed and it always turns out a lot darker than that.

  2. Yeaa :]

    its good

    well done!

    i could never write something as good as that

    lol xD
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