
Do you like my short poem - please comment ♥ thankyou?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15, this is how i feel... I have been writing for about 3 months now, and i wrote this about 10 mins ago.... what do you think?

"My inner Mind"

Being here

Alone as can be


This is me

Hurting inside

Not eating

Wanting change

To Keep my heart beating

Feeling cold

Sitting in this chair

At the computer

Feeling bare

Seeing my friends

Much thinner than me

That’s normal

It’s easy to be

I would feel fine

If I were thin

But I’m not

That’s the thing

People try to help

But never cure

The pain I feel

Will stay I’m sure

Thankyou - yes i have a limited vocabulary.




  1. !! very go0d !!  you're poem is like what i am/what i feel right now..

  2. Very good job, on that last part of your poem, about not being thin don't beat your self up over that a lot of young girls are going through the same thing I"m sure you are a beautiful young lady

  3. not bad...... you just have to love yourself first

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