
Do you like my top 10 fave girls names and my top 10 favorite boys names?

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Please rate ALL names on a scale of 1-10 (1=hate,10=love). Comments on the names would be appreciated also!

Girl Names (In no particular order)~

1. Emeline Katherine

2. Lacey Melrose

3. Laney Melrose

4. Leona Iris

5. Mackenzie Sienna

6. Marcella Leona

7. Melanie Ruth-Ann

8. Lydia Joy

9. Denise Michelle

10. Emerson Rebekah

Boys Names (In no particular order)~

1. Aidan Chandler

2. Donovan Michael

3. Edwin Roger

4. Jason Conrad

5. Judah Weston

6. Kaden Asher

7. Nathaniel Irvan

8. Vincent Ethan

9. Daniel Steven

10. Lucas Evander

Thanks! :o)




  1. Girls:Emeline Katherine: 9, Lacey Melrose: 7, Laney Melrose: 2, Leona Iris: 10, Mackenzie Sienna: 1, Marcella Leona: 3, Melanie Ruth-Ann: 3, Lydia Joy: 8( May I suggest Lydia Katherine or Lydia Rebekah?) Denise Michelle: 2, Emerson Rebekah: 1( Emerson sounds like a guys name!)

  2. 1. 9

    2. 10

    3. 2

    4  3

    5  100!!!

    6   1

    7   8

    8   9

    9   0

    10 9- if you were to switch it around it would be a ten...

    1 10

    2  2

    3  8

    4  9

    5  1

    6  maybe a 2...

    7  9

    8  2

    9  10

    10 9- idk, just the evander doesn't look like a boy's name. although i shouldn't say that cuz i have a boys middle name- rae. oh well. :-)

  3. They are all great names including the

    boy's names. I would give a 10 to all of the names, except Aiden and Kaden from the boy's list... But i have a solution!

    What about Adrien instead of Aiden?

    It's a uncommon name and also a beautiful name for a baby boy!

  4. no

  5. I like most of them.

    My favorites from the girls is: Denise Michelle and Mackenzie Sienna

    And from the boys...Lucas Evander and Kaden Asher.



  6. Girls:

    1) Emeline Katherine~8, pretty

    2) Lacey Melrose~5, not too fond of Lacey

    3) Laney Melrose~10, LOVE IT!!

    4) Leona Iris~7, love the first name

    5) Mackenzie Sienna~9, nice ring to it

    6) Marcella Leona~10, very pretty and unique

    7) Melanie Ruth-Ann~7, maybe just Ann for the middle name

    8) Lydia Joy~9, beautiful

    9) Denise Michelle~8, pretty and has a nice ring

    10) Emerson Rebekah~10, love it! very unique


    1) Aidan Chandler~2, don't really like it

    2) Donovan Michael~10, love it, different

    3) Edwin Roger~0, hate it

    4) Jason Conrad~9, love the first name

    5) Judah Weston~6, I would switch the first and middle names

    6) Kaden Asher~8, love the first name

    7) Nathaniel Irvan~9, LOVE Nathaniel, would change Irvan

    8) Vincent Ethan~7, change the names around

    9) Daniel Steven~8, like it

    10) Lucas Evander~9, would change the middle name

  7. the only ones i really like are

    for girls - 1,7, 10

    but not rebekah as a middle name

    for boys - 1, 6 ,7 9 , 10

  8. i LOVE them all except with ur girls name number 10 i think they should be switched around to

    Rebekah Emerson

    and number 2 on ur boys should be switched too

    Michael Donovan

    Otherwise they are all awesome names =D

  9. I put them in order of how I like them

    1.Emerson Rebekah

    2.Denise Michelle

    3.  Lydia Joy

    4. Leona Iris

    5. Mackenzie Sienna

    6. Marcella Leona

    7. Melanie Ruth-Ann

    8.Lacey Melrose

    Boys Names -In order-

      Kaden Asher- 1

    Nathaniel Irvan- 2

    Daniel Steven-3

    Aidan Chandler- 4

    Jason Conrad-5

    Judah Weston- 6

    Lucas Evander-7

    Vincent Ethan-8

    Donovan Michael- 9

    Edwin Roger-10

  10. 1. 1


    3. 4

    4. 1

    5. 4

    6. 1

    7. 4

    8. 4

    9. 1

    10. 5


    1. 2

    2. 1

    3. 1

    4. 5

    5. 2

    6. 4

    7. 3

    8. 4

    9. 4

    10. 4

  11. 1. Emeline Katherine  - 1 [emeline?]

    2. Lacey Melrose - 5 [lacey i like, melrose sounds like a park]

    3. Laney Melrose - 1 [Laney?]

    4. Leona Iris - 1 [NOOOOO.]

    5. Mackenzie Sienna - 8

    6. Marcella Leona - 1 [again.. leona.. sounds funky.]

    7. Melanie Ruth-Ann - 2 Stick with one middle name.

    8. Lydia Joy - 6 [cute but somethings off about it]

    9. Denise Michelle - 5 [doesn't flow]

    10. Emerson Rebekah - 0 [what is emerson?]

    Boys Names (In no particular order)~

    1. Aidan Chandler - 9 [aiden is amazing]

    2. Donovan Michael - 6 [donovan is really unique, i like it if it's shortened as Don or Donny]

    3. Edwin Roger - 1 [both of those names is gonna get your kid beat up]

    4. Jason Conrad - 8 [good.. cute.. but sounds like a First and Last name, not to mention a serial killer name]

    5. Judah Weston - 4 [judah = bhudda]

    6. Kaden Asher - 4 [kaden isn't really a boy name? and asher sounds like a fireplace like "kaden go clean out the asher!"]

    7. Nathaniel Irvan - 7 [nathaniel is good.. irvan is weird]

    8. Vincent Ethan - 9

    9. Daniel Steven - 8

    10. Lucas Evander - 5 [evander sounds like a car or something]

  12. I like Lydia Joy, Aidan Chandler, and Daniel Steven.

  13. 1. Emeline Katherine- I perfer Emmaline, but Katherine is pretty. 8/10

    2. Lacey Melrose- I love Lacey, but Melrose doesn't really even sound like a first name to me. 6/10

    3. Laney Melrose- Laney is pretty, but, again, Melrose. 5/10

    4. Leona Iris- Leona is really pretty, but Iris doesn't flow with it that well. 7/10

    5. Mackenzie Sienna- Mackenzie is getting really common, and I've never been a huge fan of it. Sienna is okay. 4/10

    6. Marcella Leona- I don't like Marcella at all, but, like I said, Leona is beautiful. 4/10

    7. Melanie Ruth-Ann- Don't like either of these. 1/10

    8. Lydia Joy- I don't care for them separately, but they sound nice together. 6/10

    9. Denise Michelle- Denise isn't very pretty, in my opinion, and Michelle was the 'Emily' of the 70-80's

    10. Emerson Rebekah- Emerson is gorgeous, and Rebecca (spelled like this) flows beautifully with it. 9/10

    Favorite girl names: Emerson, Leona, and Lacey

    Boys Names

    1. Aidan Chandler- Aidan I love, but it's really popular. Chandler reminds me of the TV show Friends, lol. 8/10

    2. Donovan Michael- Donovan is interesting, and Michael flows well. 7/10

    3. Edwin Roger- Don't like either. 1/10

    4. Jason Conrad- Jason is good, Conrad isn't. 6/10

    5. Judah Weston- Weston I like, but Judah is a little weird, in my opinion. 4/10

    6. Kaden Asher- Adore this! 10/10

    7. Nathaniel Irvan- Perfer Nathan Ivan. 3/10

    8. Vincent Ethan- Ethan Vincent is better, but I don't mind either one. 5/10

    9. Daniel Steven- A little common, but it's okay. 4/10

    10. Lucas Evander- Lucas is getting popular but I like it, Evander reminds me of Evander Holyfield. 6/10

    Favorite boy names: Aidan, Kaden, and Asher


  14. Yeah...they're cute. My favs are:

    Mackenzie Sienna and Lydia Joy,

    Aidan Chandler and Vincent Ethan.

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