
Do you like or dislike hospitals? What do you like or dislike about them?

by Guest44535  |  earlier

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Why do hospitals freak people out?




  1. I like the clean smell they have.

    I guess they freak people out because most often their associated with death and dying and sickness.

  2. they are too government-ized

  3. I don't like going to hospitals because (a) if I'm going there to someone is sick and (b) I don't like seeing injured people

    but they are really important, so it's great that they are there

  4. Ok you can report me but this is true.

    I like them; I had my first woody in a Hospital.

    I was getting my tonsils out.

    Well I woke up in the middle of the night and had to pee, my binky wouldn't get big enough to use the bed pan so the female nurse carried me to the bathroom and held me up.

    But I still couldn't go, so she kept flicking it, I was too weak to do it myself after surgery, and that was my first erection.

    I still get aroused in hospitals to this day.

  5. I hate how it takes 4 hour for them to see you. Even if you have bones sticking out of you, ya know.

  6. I guess the nurses or the candy. Im kidding, I like how they use all these techniques to fix up a person and so forth. The thing I dislike about hospitals is that it a place that you kind of feel bad because all these people are sick and some people are taking life for granted.  

  7. i don't like how you have to wait for a long time

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