
Do you like or hate cold winter weather? I kind of hate it myself.?

by Guest62268  |  earlier

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Do you like or hate cold winter weather? I kind of hate it myself.?




  1. Well, where I'm from, we get at least 3 feet of snow every week, so I kinda hate it. I kinda like it because we never have school. I'm kinda in the middle! Wow! I kinda said kinda a lot! LOL!!!!! Good luck finding your answer!

  2. Me too, that's why I live in Southern California.

  3. i hate it

  4. love

  5. I hate winter weather where its just cold and rainy however, i absolutly love it when it snows. I sortof like wearing a huge coat and like 7 layers with a scarf. Makes me feel all snuggly, its so..british-ish?

    Anyways, i still love summer and hate the transition period (autumn).

    :] enjoy your winter ;D

  6. I don't mind when its cold in the winter but when its cold in the summer I hate that  

  7. I don't mind dry cold with no wind. I hate windy wet weather. Unfortunately I live on the east coast of Scotland. It's been a pants summer.

  8. I like the cold winter until Christmas is over than its seems more like a mess!

  9. I hate the cold weather.  It seems like it's colder outside much longer than it's hot outside...I wish it were the other way around.

  10. I can put up with it if one is dressed accordingly

    otherwise if its cold blizzard

    I hate it.  

    But its a part of the weather.

  11. I hate the cold winter weather, unless its snowing :D I like it when it snows.

  12. i like it when i am inside the house and have company!! yey

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