
Do you like playing live straddle in Texas Holdem?

by  |  earlier

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Why do you do it? Do you usually raise when doing live straddle and the action comes back to you?

How often do you try to steal the pot when you have nothing with a live straddle?




  1. i hate it

    since my one friend learned how to do it he told everyone else at my homegame how to do it

    we only play five or ten dollar buy ins, but everyone will straddle all the way around the table and it will be up to 60 or 70 cents in a 5c/10c blind game

    needless to say, it pisses me right off but i'm always the one under the gun so it works out for me i guess

  2. i'll do it at least once per session especially if the table is dead, just to spark some kind of action. i don't necessarily raise with it. i think that sometimes i do it out of superstition if i'm getting bad cards. i don't usually try to steal because i don't play any bigger than 2-5 and its really hard to steal, because unless you seriously overbet the pot, you will get callers and if you do overbet, you are out of position if someone does call you.

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