
Do you like playing mind games with the cashiers at your local stores?

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sometimes it can be fun. i think it would be a hoot for me to buy like $30 worth of tampons, slam them on the know the cashier is going to smile and say something like "ahhhh, i see your girlfriend sent you on a mission!"....that's when i would look them in the eye, acting offended, and say "no...actually, they're for me". before they could say anything, i would grab the tampons and storm out.

ever done anything funny to make 'em scratch their heads?




  1. When I stop to pick up the family dinner on the way home...the order goes something like this...

    Cashier - May I take your order?

    Me- 9 burgers, 4 large fries and an Iced coffee please.

    Cashier - Will that be for here or to go?

    Me - Oh my goodness to go please, I would be way to embarrassed to eat all of this in front of you.

    With out failure the room cracks up laughing every single time.

  2. no.

  3. Ahhh babe you're making me laugh!!!

    I can't beat you, but I do know a crazy woman who terrorizes 7-11's screaming "just suck it".

    ssıʞ ♥ kiss  

  4. I was at K-Mart and when I was leaving the cashier told me  "Have a nice day!"  and I looked offended and said "Don't tell me what to do!"  She looked completely bewildered!!!

    I bought gas one day and the clerk asked me "How are you today?" and I said "Do you really care or is that just something that you have to say?"  She starts stammering and I said "Just kidding, I'm fine..."  

  5. I hit them up with, my your hair looks fabulous today and where did you get that outfit?, it looks great on you.....the next thing you know she's just throwing things in bags and I'm walking out of there with $40 worth of groceries while only paying $25...that's an extra $15 to support my drug and alcohol habit....

  6. Hmmm, i'm a cashier and that wouldn't really be funny at all to me.

    It would be weird.

  7. LOL. Having been a cashier myself for about 4 years off and on, I MIGHT have ruined that for you. I almost NEVER commented on what people bought.

  8. Good One.

  9. Sometimes just the combination of items without explanation is enough.

    Try condoms and Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies.

  10. haha...haven't done it personally

    i like when they give me back extra change though....

  11. You have entirely too much time on your hands.  What a doof.

  12. No, I used to be a cashier and people would get ugly with me over stuff sometimes, so I try not to mess up other people who are in the position I used to be in.

  13. Back when belly shirts & belly rings were fashionable, I had a cashier ask if it hurt when I got pierced. I said yes, but the worst part was that when it happens, you pee your pants a little. He laughed and was like no way and I told him that it happens to everyone who gets their bellies pierced, that there is some nerve or something that the needle hits. he laughed soooo hard and said he was going to make fun of all his Friends who were priced!  

  14. One time I put all of my items on the conveyor belt and found a single green bean in the bottom of my basket, so I put it on the belt with everything else - When the cashier got to the green bean she just tossed it in the trash and I yelled "Hey ! You threw away my green bean !" with a serious look and her jaw dropped and she started babbling how sorry she was and would I like to go get another one ? - the bagger just shook his head, but in hindsight, I should have said "Absolutely, I needed that green bean !"

  15. never done that before.

  16. Sounds pretty funny but no i havn't lol. It is also good for the cashier cause they have prolly been standing there for like 5 hours bored out of their mind and someone comes up saying something like that. Makes the job alot funnier  

  17. tampons and condoms are always good for a laugh.

    One time I was working in the card section of walmart on valentine's day. A guy came up to me and asked for a bag to put his armful of red condoms in. I gave him a great big one and told him he better stop at the jewelry counter if he wanted to use those condoms.

  18. I went into a shopping centre with my friends in the middle of the night dressed up for Halloween. I couldn't get through the shopping queues because my skirt was soo big!

  19. I like GOOD customer service.  I like the cashier to greet me with a smile, be friendly (not too talkative) and thank me for my business and good - bye.  Anything less -- I'm disappointed.  

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