
Do you like public school?

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Im home schooled and i have been to private schools but never a public one, and i just wondered how it is. A lot of people say that kids get teased a lot at public school, i just wondered if those of you that go to public school like it, and what is it like?




  1. yes!!! Its an all arounf fun experince i did home and public... It's more fun to be at home or whatever but honestly you miss out on a lot if i had the choice i would go back and do all public

  2. ok

    well you dont get teased


    thats just in movies and c**p.

    you dont get stuffed in lockers.

    well we get days  offff.

    and snow days

    and theres hw.

    and you have a lot of friends

    and is more social tthen homeschool

    and you miss prom so that suxxx

  3. I love going to a public school. I dont get teased at all in school. I dont really know how to explain it because all ive gone to are public schools. I cant compare it to anything else, but all i can say is they are fun. =)

  4. i go to a public school that has over 2500 students and i love it.

    yes,it is very crowded in the hall ways.even more so because it is 2  levels and we have to hassle with the stairs.

    no one i know ever gets teased except this one annoying kid.

    and also the kids that transfer from the private schools because they think they are better than everyone else.

  5. It depends. I live in Massachusetts in a small town called West Bridgewater. My schools are fine you barely get teased. Theres usually that one person that is a jerk. The only bad part about public school is the food. You'll be fine. Don't worry.

  6. I absolutely love going to public school! I go to a pretty big school - there's like a total of 2,000 kids - and I think that makes it a lot better because there are so many different people to meet. not only do you get to have way more friends, but just being exposed to different people and environments can really have a good impact on your life.  You can learn textbook things anywhere, but it takes a real school to get you into peer discussions that allow you to think about things from different perspectives

    you shouldn't worry about getting teased or picked on, which i feel is the main reason parents home-school their kids, at my school everyone is friendly and very nice to each other - yeah, all 2000 of us

  7. u don get teased alot in u do der probly jus messin wit u its really kool n u get to hang out wit ur friends n mess around u know well dats my skool im in high skool n texas



  9. Has anyone noticed that most of the people who say they love public school couldn't assemble a sentence if their lives depended on it?  With examples like these, I'm happier than ever that my kids are homeschooled!  I suppose if they feel left out of the wonderful social interaction, I could stuff them into lockers, spit on their food, give them wedgies, call them names, spread rumors about them, make them cry and beat them up.  That's about all they were getting out of public school.  And yes, these things actually DO happen.  They've all happened to my kids at one time or another.

  10. i was home-schooled and then was sent to public school for a couple years before college.  i hated it.  it sucks.  everything is slower so class is really really boring,  a lot of the kids are really stupid, so unless your just in the calculus and physics classes you feel really wierd b/c everyone is like oh they were home-schooled lets ask them to do our homework.  and omg gym, if your a guy, really sucks.  since nobody knew me, b/c i was home-schooled, i was always picked last even though im like a great athlete who plays club baseball and soccer and runs cross country, and if i ever showed up one of the schools "star athletes" in a game... omg the teasing never stopped.   i hated it.

    the only good part about public school was meeting sooo many girls.

  11. I went to a public school, and have nothing but fond memories of it.  Although, I went to a small, suburban public school so I'm POSITIVE that that fact has a lot to do with it.  Although, I'm homeschooled now and I love it just as much.

    edit: after reading some of the other answers, where someone said that all 2000 people in her school were nice and great; I doubt it.  I only went to elementry school up until 4th grade, but I'm sure that high school and middle school are a completely different story.

  12. Public school is great well for me

    no one teases you theres probably more drama then in homeschool. Um.. its fun you get to be with other kids your age

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