
Do you like public transportation?

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Do you like public transportation?




  1. Heck yeah, but I live in a transit friendly city, and more to the point a transit friendly neighborhood!   I chose to live here.  That's why it works.

    In America, in car culture, you can't expect public transit to magically work for someone who didn't even think about public transit when he decided where to live or work.   Planning is everything.

    Even here, a lot of the newer developments are in places beyond the edge of the bus systems, and even if the transit planners decided to go there, there's no way - they are walled villages with only one way in/out.  Planning is everything.

  2. yes I like public transportation.  why stress myself on hectic traffic conglomerated with maniacs?  and rush-hour traffic jams??? jajajaja

    I have a license to drive any car in the world.  I just prefer public transportation and will continue to do so.

  3. I do like it, especially the train-like rides.

  4. I love it, it's been paying my bills for the last 14 years!

  5. Yes.  I actually own a car, but rarely use it.  It is often cheaper (with $3 gas) to ride the bus and I never have to worry about parking. I live in Los Angeles, which has gotten better every year in the public transportation area.

  6. yes made a great career in the field 23 years. will get a good pension. one day. have a fat 401K and purchased a new house with cash.

    so pt has been good to me

  7. Hardly. Its slow, dangerous expensive and rarely can you get a seat. Try standing for five hours and tel me you like public transport.

  8. Yes. It's quick (no traffic), inexpensive (no need to pay for parking), you get multi-trip discounts, you can read a book or the newspaper or watch a movie or have breakfast while traveling safely, you meet people (I landed my first job by meeting someone who got me an interview), it's ultimately better for the environment, it reduces wear and tear on your vehicle (if that's an issue).... The benefits far outweigh the negative aspects of commuting (not always on time, equipment breaks down), you meet some rude and obnoxious people, etc.

  9. I love public transportation.  The vibe is always so great when you get on a bus or train.  There are all kinds of interesting people surrounding you.  It's better for the environment and is cheap as well.

  10. I love it.

    I take the bus every single day.

    The college I go to allows us to ride any of the city buses for free.  It's free and saves gas. AND some of the buses are hybrid-electric. so they're even better for the enviornment =)

  11. In the US?  Mostly no.  Because it's mostly a joke.  There are exceptions, but most US cities may as well not even have their bus systems.  

    Even the most well-known, New York...the trains might be all right these days but a lot of the stations are like the inside of a dumpster.  

    The ones I've been on that are alright:  Seattle and DC.

    Now Japan and Korea are a different story altogether.  Short waits, and more or less short transit times (Korea can be kind of slow because the stations are too close together...the trains barely ever get up to speed), clean trains, comfortable if they aren't crowded (which is most of the time).  In Korea they're pretty cheap, too.  Bus routes/schedules are mostly easier to figure out there, too.

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