
Do you like.........?

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...warm and fuzzy things? I do :)




  1. Yes! I'm the proud full time servant for a Shepherd/Husky mix. I don't really feel right if I go to sleep without her bouncing into the bed and flopping down against me.

    At some friends' place, I'm "uncle" to 4 dogs and praying that the number doesn't go up before I spend a weekend out there watching the dogs for them..

    And at another friends' place, I wake up to the dachsund burrowing under me and the schnauzer trying to get me to throw her pacifier for her. Throw my mongrel into the mix and there ain't much sleepin' past 8am.

    Do you have any idea how hard it is to sleep off a hangover with a dachsund trying to burrow underneath the small of your back, a schnauzer bouncing up and down on your chest with a toy in it's mouth, and a husky mix leaning against you as it tries to defend you from the schnauzer?

    And then we have my folks' cat. He thinks he's a dog. I guess I shouldn't complain, the little guy helped me keep it together on 9/11/01. When I couldn't take any more news, I went outside, sat down and he jumped into my lap and was willing to stay put as long as I kept petting. I was out there for five hours.

    But yes, I like warm and fuzzy things.


  2. of course


  3. not exactly i more cold and smooth things like laying nude on a sheet of metal

  4. Of course. :)

  5. Haha. I do!

    Teddy Bears, Pillows, you name it. =D


  6. Most of the time yes. Puppies, kittens, blankets, pj's,


  7. Sometimes I'm warm and fuzzy.
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