
Do you like ranch on your pizza?

by  |  earlier

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I thought everyone did. It seemed like it until a couple of people said "yuck!"




  1. Yeah, but only on pizza like Pizza Hut. I wouldn't dare put it on the good stuff like CPK pizzas.

  2. No...Don't Eat Pizza...!!

  3. I like dipping my peperoni pizza in ranch dressing, but that is the only kind

  4. Yep, I do.

  5. ooooooooh man do i !!!!!!!!!!!! i love ranch on EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  6. it depends on what type of pizza

    cheese yeah

    peperoni yeah

    anything else no

  7. RANCH!

    what is "ranch"?

  8. fatso

  9. pepperoni, cheese.



  10. No I don't

  11. no

  12. gotta love it

  13. Not for me thanks

  14. Some  put garlic sauce on pizza. It's not bad  


  15. sometimes.

  16. no preference

  17. yes yes yes on every kind there is ranch is the best

  18. no, no,no....that's just wrong!

  19. NOOO!

  20. No way

  21. Depends on what mood I'm in

    at times yes  and at times no.

  22. I love ranch with pizza. but I like to dip, rather than put the dressing ON the pizza.

  23. its awsome i dont know how people dont

  24. no i don't. i looks nasty!

  25. i only like it on the crust it is like eating a big cruton.

  26. eww fck no but a lot of my friends do, so i guess it's kind of common

  27. Pizza should be good enough on it's own. But sometimes it's nice to dip crusts into it.

  28. Yes, especially on the crust.  Oh, and on chicken barbecue pizza.  Mmmm.

  29. People outside of California, don't understand ranch with pizza.


    But why are they all the fat f***S.

  30. I love ranch on pizza. I make my own veggie pizza with broc. caul. car. ranch and motz.

  31. What is ranch?  Is that a US thing - I've never heard of it?

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