
Do you like road course races?

by  |  earlier

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Since 1 of the 2 road course races on the schedule is today, I thought I'd see what people think of them.




  1. NO!  Can't see much of the track at a time.

    Go Jr.>>>>

  2. There not my favorite, but it’s still NASCAR racing so I most defiantly watch.

    Go Dale Jr.  88

  3. Love them! I wish we had a couple more.

  4. no

  5. I prefer the larger tracks......more fighting for position.......less monotony.

  6. I think it would be a lot more exciting to drive one than to watch one. Speeds are slower and it's harder to pass. Pole position is important on road courses.

    But I still like the change in track types that road courses have to offer.


    After watching the race I want to add that Infineon sucks.

  7. no... they aren't really interesting but it is cool to show people that it isnt all about left turns

  8. funny cars love them

  9. I love road course races! I think they are really exciting and a lot of fun to watch!

  10. sometimes

  11. I like them OK for a change. But  I'd  rather watch the bigger, faster tracks .  Sometimes road races seem like they are on a  Sunday stroll.

  12. Yes i do!

  13. like them more than round track.  but i like obstacle and drag best.

  14. I do like them, its a nice change of pace. Its kinda like a short track racing to me.

  15. i like them. they do hit each other a lot. that is what i like

  16. no i don't like the road course races it made me loos some points on my nascar game

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