
Do you like running outdoors or on a treadmil better? Why?

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I like running on a treadmil because it is easier to pace myself, but I want to start running outdoors.




  1. outdoors! I like a change of senary and that why

  2. outdoors!!! the only reason I would ever run on a treadmill is if it were really hot out. I hate running indoors, outside gives you a better workout because you can't just stop, you have to complete the whole route.

    Answer mine?;...

  3. Outdoors.

    ^^more peaceful, and not so boring.

  4. outdoors

  5. outdoors is a better overall workout... its easier to run on a treadmill though

  6. Outdoors because running on a treadmill is soooooo incredibly boring it makes me want to chop my arms off.

  7. Outdoors. Fresh air, scenic views... its more social and better as far as getting a good gauge of pace and distance.

    If you do run on a treadmill, at least run at a 1% incline to replicate road running.

  8. I like running on a treadmill because running outdoors you can't have an accurate time on when your going to get home, and you don't have an unlimited source to the bathroom and to water.  Also when you run outside its sometimes too cold or too warm out and i really don't like running outside.  I think running on a treadmill is more relaxed, and you can do it any time in the day, late at night, early in the morning, randomly in the day.  And when you run you might just pull a muscle, and if you pull a muscle when your running outside you'll have to walk all the way home from where you ran to in pain, while if you pull a muscle while on a treadmill you can just get right off and go la down and relax.   I'd have to say treadmills are a better choice in any perspective

  9. Outdoors by far.  Treadmills satisfy our need for statistics-how fast we're going, how long, how many Calories we've burned, etc.  But that takes something out of the run.  Instead of pushing yourself voluntarily, you are forcing yourself to run faster by pressing a button.  Not only that but running outdoors-to me at least-seems much easier.  It's not so monotonous.

  10. Outdoors, I like to have the scenery change when i am running . But when the weather is not nice out , treadmills are the next best option.

    Plus running outside makes you feel a lot better and clears your mind.

  11. outdoors, the sceneary change is very important to me, running on the treadmill is good for sprint work, but nothing long....I always feel like i ran farther than the machine says i did.....i dont like it plus i think treadmills are harder on the legs, Asphalt isan't great either, but better than treadmills i think....

  12. Treadmill - Kind of boring (unless you can watch TV or something). But also really customized which is nice if you can change incline speed etc and monitor calories.

    Outoors- More interesting you get to see things and you can go different places, it's quite nice to explore. It also (I think) gives you an incentive to keep running cos you don't want people to see you stop and start walking. But yes outside is more difficult to know how far you've gone (use google earth or something if you want to track your route exactly).

  13. Oh my gosh treadmils are so boring!!! I hate them, running outside is so much more entertaining and I am able to run longer faster and enjoy it so much more!!! You can see nature and I think it is more challenging b/c of the wind's influence. Where I live it is very windy.

  14. outdoors. treadmills are so boring and it feels like i'm running for no reason. i go slower on treadmills too because i get bored with it. but when i run outdoors things excite me. lol

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