
Do you like scientific questions?

by Guest63304  |  earlier

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Another Wonder of Physics

By C.S. Scotkin

Is it true?

Do we, when we observe,

enter the history

of the one we look on?

Physics says

we do. We interact

with eyes alone, we change

all with silent glances.




  1. Yes I do like scientific questions.

    I also enjoy the answers too those questions,

    especially when there is the verified, scientific data given

    that supports the findings.

    Where is it here?

    As those who do not believe, are always posting the question,

    "Show me the proof of it."

    Just to say it, does not make it true, it just makes it another theory.


  2. Never has the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics been used to such interesting effect, even if extending it to macroscopic objects is problematic.  As always, your poetry is thought provoking and your phrasing continues to resonate.  So tell me, when I observe your verse, are you changed?  Have I, in writing this, collapsed your wave packet, or is this but a sampling of many worlds....

  3. Yes, I do like scientific questions. They tickle my brain, but I love to delve into the quantum mechanical nature of the world, the way that a single glance can radically shift a paradigm. This is a great poem, and yes, we are never fully detached from anything. There is no such creature as an objective observer.

  4. Every glance can have some effect no matter how small. The eyes are telling and a single glance can emote love, lust harm---malice. It can be quite profound

    Nice poem, made me think

    I put a new version of my poem up, I had the wrong one before. Would love any imput

  5. You can't observe and not disturb?

  6. Those who love the word, who love poetry, are sensitive people who surely become part of the history of humanity and of individuals. All the people who have observed me and whom I have observed here, on this miraculous site, have become part of my personal history.

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