
Do you like smoking weed in the morning, evening, or middle of the day better?

by  |  earlier

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Do you like smoking weed in the morning, evening, or middle of the day better?




  1. I like to in the evening after work!

  2. morning

  3. never.

  4. hmm prob evening, bc i get so tired when i do it. but doing it at night can make me depressed too. So optimally i do it in the morning and hope it isn't a strain that will make me too tired and i can generally get through the high with enough energy for the rest of the day bc i have all my energy to start with at the beginning of the day... if that makes sense :/ kind of hard to explain. however, it is AWESOME to go to bed high. You have nice, deep sleep that comes fairly quickly and you'll trip out a lil from laying in the dark and quiet :]

  5. Yes...

  6. i like middle makes S****y days go by faster morning isint bad but then ur coming down from high mid day. and nights not bad either but u get so tired like hour after

  7. wake and bake. ahah jk i dont smoke

  8. I am 14,and i smoke morning,mid-day,and night.

    not all the time of course maybe i choose 2 out of 3 haha.

    if i choose morning...then i go morning and mid-day...then i change my mind about the 2 out of 3 thing and smoke at night and repeat.



  9. whenever the erge hit me. am puffing now.puff, puff

  10. id have to say all three are pretty great

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