
Do you like spinach?

by Guest56669  |  earlier

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Do you like spinach?




  1. love it,

    steamed with a squeeze of lemon, raw in salads, added to vegetable curry, or delicious in Kalzone pizzas with ham and cheese.

  2. ewww spinach

  3. Yes, with lamb or like veg dish- with rice.

  4. Love it, and my gran makes a brilliant dish out of it along with rice. I am a bit odd when it comes to vegetables and I cannot understand why most people do not like brussle sprouts! :o

  5. Yes! Cooked, raw, poached! I love spinach!

    The only thing I don't like about fresh spinach is the washing part :)

  6. Yes, and Spinach Dip

  7. yes very it in lasgna too

  8. I love spinach. I have it alone, with my scrambled eggs, even in my shakes. Grate source of iron and it's also a wrinkle filler.

  9. Of course, and its very good for you too being high in calcium magnesium as well as helping to alkalize the body.

  10. I like it in salad, but I hate it cooked.

  11. Not really.

    I eat it anyway becuase it has a lot of iron. I actually prefer it raw in my salads - baby spinach.

  12. Only in a salad. Once its cooked, it gets mushy, and I don't want to eat it.

  13. I love spinach, but only when its cooked...not just like, plain...because I love when its mushy, cause it just kinda melts on your tounge!

  14. I love spinach.

    Not the canned but the fresh it is great.

  15. No thank you! Can't stand it, yuck!!!

  16. yes its really good and healthy

  17. I won't eat the canned or the frozen dreck, but if it's fresh and raw or lightly steamed, I'll eat it.  But it's not my fave.

  18. Love it!!!!!

  19. I love it with cheese in tortellini.

  20. Yes i love spinach especially in salads my favourite is spinach & pear salad.

    200gms Fresh spinach

    2 Pears .cored & thinly sliced leave skin on.

    Walnuts. as many as you like

    1 tsp Balsamic vinegar

    2tbsp Olive oil

    Salt & cracked black pepper

    Add the sliced pears & walnuts to the spinach splash on the balsamic & oil then add the S & P. But don't make too early before serving as the pears will go brown and the spinach soggy.

  21. yes. It cleanses your colon. HA

  22. deliciouso

  23. Yes, It's good if you sautee fresh spinach in Olive Oil and garlic. Crumble cooked bacon on top. Yum!

  24. yes,i love spinach. when i was a kid i thought if i ate spinach a would be big and strong like popeye. that cartoon really go me to love spinach. i like spinach dip too.

  25. I like it, but i prefer broccoli

  26. i challenge those who dont like it to have palak paneer. YUM!

  27. i love it.  i recommend with strawberries!

  28. soooooooo sick!!!  nasty!!!  gives me the heebeejeebees!!!

  29. I loveeee spinach

  30. not plain but I like it in salad, dip pizza. Basically I will eat spinach anyway but plain

  31. Like it?  No... that's not even close.  I LOVE spinach.  I have a small altar that I keep of spinach leaves from around the world, encircling their spinachy diety... Popeye the Sailor Man.  I brush my teeth with it, I stuff it into my pillow instead of feathers, and I sprinkle it on red carpets instead of roses.  I do NOT eat it however, as that would be an insult to the almighty spinach, as it would then have to pass out of you-know-where.  I have a big tattoo (full back) that says "I heart spinach".  The heart is also made of spinach... and the ink was made from crushed spinach.  I'm working on a new technology that will make spinach tougher, and then I'll have a keyboard made out of spinach, so that every post here in Y!A will be full of spinachy goodness.  A judge is looking over the paperwork right now to legally change my name to Spinach McSpinachton... has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
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