
Do you like sprite, sierra mist, or 7up??????

by Guest59440  |  earlier

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Do you like sprite, sierra mist, or 7up??????




  1. ♥Sprite!!!

  2. Sierra-Mist!

  3. i lie sprite and 7 up, though i tend to drink sprite more often

  4. sprite :D

  5. 7up - the old stand by....

  6. 7up

  7. They are all really the same thing but i like Sierra Mist the best!

  8. 7up, smooth.

  9. I like sprite!

  10. I like Sprite.

  11. Sierra Mist! I love the way the "Mist" Comes out of a new can. Plus the refreshing calming taste.

  12. SPRITE!!!! SPRITE!!!! SPRITE!!!!!

  13. 7up! It tastes more lemony to me!

  14. Sprite.

  15. Sprite. I only drink 7up when I'm sick and sierra mist just taste like downgraded sprite.

  16. Sprite!

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