
Do you like summer?

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if so why?




  1. not really

  2. yes,no school

  3. yes

    I like going to camp and being warm

    the bad thing about summer in AK is you're always staying up late, and this past week i've had to get up at 7 or earlier, so i was not happy, especially today cus i got about 6 hours of sleep last night. Today i went to a youth firearm event and spent the whole day standing around or shooting a gun. Shooting a machine gun is cool, but next time i have a choice between getting enough sleep and shooting things up, i'll go with the sleep.

  4. I LOVE IT!! no school,warm weather,parties,shorts and tank tops!

  5. I love love love summer! It's so much nicer than winter. I love summer because you can go barefoot, flipflops, tennis shoes or whatever you want! You can go shorts, skirts, dresses, capris or even jeans if you really wanted to. I love the hot air and the feeling of the sun on my face. I love the smell of the flowers and fresh cut grass and birds in the morning. I enjoy wearing less rather than more clothes, way more comfortable. Fishing is more enjoyable too when it's warm out. I love to get a tan! I could go on for days on how much I love the summer =)

  6. yes, because lots of perfect beaches here in our country, Philippines!

  7. ITs my favorite time of the year

    to go fishing, camping, car shows, swimming out of doors, vacations

    I eat healthier in the Summer

    also, I like  the Summer Weather

  8. I like summer because it is a carefree time of year and I get 3 weeks of paid holidays!  I love being outside--whether I'm hiking, running, or riding my bike.  Winter is awfully long in Manitoba, and I love when the leaves start coming out on the trees and flowers start blooming.  The world is transformed from shades of gray to the full spectrum of color!  It's also great to see everyone enjoying outdoor recreation.  Summer is a happy time of year.

    The things I don't like about summer are the mosqitoes and when we have really humid summers.  Also, the anniversary of my cousin's murder is in July, so that is always a difficult time.  For a long time I associated the deep green of trees in full leaf with his death, because the day that my dad called to tell me the horrible news, I sat in the living room and just looked out at the green trees.  Everything seemed so unreal.  The sun was too bright and the leaves too green, and everyone else's lives just went on around me when my own life seemed to come to a grinding halt.  It has been almost 4 years now, but I will never dislike summer because of his death.  It is a time of year when I always will feel a bit sad and angry, but it won't stop me from enjoying all the life and beauty that summer has to offer.

  9. yes i cant stand cold weather

  10. For some things and not others... I like how there are more things to do but the insects and extreme heat are annoying but spring and fall are where it's at.
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