
Do you like super spicy food????

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Do you like super spicy food????




  1. I do, but owing to a stomach ailment I can't eat them anymore, or I have to scale them back.

  2. I absolutely love Spicy foods.  I am eating eggs with turkey bacon and three chili Serrano's chopped up and sauteed.  My refrigerator door has about thirty different hot sauce so that when I don't have fresh sauce at least I have something spicy to add to whatever I am eating.  If I don't have hot sauce sometimes I'll take a raw chili and eat it with my meal.  I do this about 40% of the time.

    I like all kinds of chilis:



    Bird pepper,




    Tree chili


    Scotch Bonnet

    Life without chilli is no life at all.

    I like to eat the food so spicy that I break out in a sweat.  Love it!!!!

  3. Yes...I love spicy, even super spicy food.

  4. Yes, all the time.

    My favourite sauce is a local Aussie one by the 'Outback Chilli Company" Called Pleasure and Pain Habanero sauce.

    My friends and I eat lots of Chilli, and have competitions.  I seem to be able to take a lot and not feel ill, so that just encourages me!

  5. Thank you for asking.  No.

    I am a gourmet, not a volcano.

    Fire eaters belong in the circus.

  6. Yes I love SUPER spicy foods.  I prefer most of my food to be super spicy.  LOVE IT!!!!!

  7. I love spicy food!

    I cook spicy Mexican chicken soup. My American husband loves it!

  8. I hate those food with no other flavor other than being spicy, but if it's really aromatc and has tons of other flavors in it, then yes. (the food better be worth all that ice water.)

  9. i sometime like it but i like enjoying my food

  10. Not me no way, I like to be able to taste the food. My husband likes his so hot he sweats. To me there's no point in that, but to each is their own. LOL. Now your tastebuds are ruined so did you even taste how good the food was??? SO my answer is no..

  11. Yes I love super duper spicy food. I love Southern Indian cuisine, Thai food, Mexican food, Israeli food, Indonesian food and if any one knows another country that makes slamming spicy food, let me know!

  12. Well, spicy, but I dont know how super spicy is, Not too spicy that I cant eat it all because my mouth gets too hot.

  13. Yes. I Love spicy food. It really adds taste.

  14. love it!

  15. Yes, i love spicy food

  16. I love super spicy foods, I add Daves insanity sauce into tons of stuff I eat and that stuff has a HUGE kick to it

  17. yes and its making me hungry answering these questions about food

  18. If my rear end doesn't hate me afterward then it wasn't spicy enough

  19. yes, I absolutely do. When I'm feeling down, I don't crave chocolate or ice cream, I crave hot salsa, wasabi peas and buffalo wings (not together) .

    I love Thai, Szechuan and real Mexican cuisine because of the punch they pack.

  20. Yes!

  21. Yes.

  22. I even make my own fiery pepper sauce with fresh Scotch Bonnet Peppers, a little vinegar and some coarse sea salt. Delicious!!!

    The Muse

  23. Yes. I even add Tabasco to my congee.

    In the Philippines, there is a dish called Bicol Express. It consists of nothing but long green hot peppers simmered in coconut cream, a lilttle pork and salted shrimps.

  24. I love it but, I know I need to cut down on super spicy foods cause they can give you ulcers if you eat too much =[

  25. yes.......... indian style...... except sometimes i get a lot of stomach burns! o well :)

  26. Not super,but spicey yes. I want to be able to enjoy it too.

  27. MY favourite

  28. I don't like food when it's too spicy!  It kills my tongue!  Especially jalapeno peppers.

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