
Do you like the Gibson Robot Guitar?

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I read people say people just keep getting lazier.... TUNE it yourself. Blah Blah Blah.




  1. I like it but I have no problem tuning it myself though.

  2. It seemed cool at first until you account for the lazy factor.

  3. Hey i'm all for it! Why? Cause the more people rely on a Technical fad, the more I WILL stand out as a true "Ear" guitarist. Go get yer toyz dude! By the time you check your battery status, i'll already have whipped out a flury of tune anyway.

  4. Lets put it this way.  I can turn on my TV without a remote control, I can change the channels and adjust the volume just fine as well.  I can enjoy tv without a remote BUT I still have a remote control.  With the guitar its the same.  I can tune a guitar okay by ear, better with a tuner, and best against a piano but would I want a self tuning guitar, absolutely.  Plus its not that lazy it gives you an extra few minutes of practice in that one would otherwise spend tuning the guitar.  Plus it allows for on the fly key dropping which to me is way cool and well worth it.

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