
Do you like the Jonas Brothers or not and why?

by Guest58122  |  earlier

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Do you like the Jonas Brothers?Why? I don't like any of them.

Go ahead and tell me.





  2. They're not bad, but not that great either. I like a few of their songs thats all.

  3. I like them because I like thier music style. But I dont like freak out at the Anti-Jonas people either.

  4. i do but i hate kevin

  5. I think there amazing! Talent! and a great rolemodel for kids because they are very commited to there religion and stuff...but when you see them everywhere like hannah montana/miley cyrus..thats when people well be like OMG OMG why are they everywhere now...but to me i think that they are very commented to what they are doing!

  6. nope. i dont like their music. their lyrics dont mean anything to me...

  7. I like them because they are very talented. I have respect for haters though

  8. it's not that i hate the jobros, i like some of their songs but not really much of a big fan (not like the other girls who have OJD)

  9. yeahh... i love the jonas brothers because they are talented.  i also think that they are adorable.  

  10. No. Their voices are whiny and annoying, they are ugly, their fans are obnoxious, and their "music" stinks.

    But apparently all of us haters are "JUST JELOUZZZZ!!!"

    Don't know where the fans got that idea.

  11. I love them! They have great music and there great role models unike so many people in the media right now.

  12. the jonas brothers have a LOT of haters.

    but they also have millions of fans.

    &i'm proud to say i'm one of them.

    and 100% completely obsessed!

    why? here's why:

    to me, the jonas brothers are incredible. they have so much talent and contrary to what people think, disney did NOT kick off their career. nick was discovered first at a barber shop and they were signed with columbia records before they signed with hollywood.

    anyway, i'm not gonna give you a biography. i love them because i like that type of music and they're talented in my point of view. you might not like them because you don't like that type of music. also, i love them because they're down-to-earth. half of their concert proceeds go to the change for children foundation, they have a close family base, they're AMAZING to their fans, and their concerts are so much fun.

    i could go on for hours about why i love them, but those are the main reasons. :]

    i don't mind haters, as long as they respect others' opinions. seriously, jonas fans don't make fun of the bands haters love!

  13. i like the jonas brothers

    and if u don't like them stop wasting your time and points because this question is asked a hundred time a day

  14. They are lame. only little tweens like them  

  15. i LOVE the jonas brothers! you could say that i'm a little over-obsessed...;)...but anyways...i like them because they arent afraid to be who they are. and they are freaks, but thats hot! they didnt change just for the fans. and the fans like them even better because of it. i also like them because of their purity rings (and so does my mom...) because they are sending a message to all kids about it. they are inspiring probably millions of girls to get them. even though they arent all for the right reasons, people are still getting them, which is GREAT. i want to get one myself. not just because they have one, but because i didn't know what they were before them. and they taught me and i think its pretty cool and i want one.

  16. hate the jonas brothers! .. they think they're the freakin beatles or something

  17. no. kids for kids music.  

  18. I like the obsessive Lemming fangirls even LESS than I like the Jonas Brothers.

  19. They are awesome!  You are just jealous!

  20. I hate them!!!!!! i guess cause they think they're cool.  

  21. Jonas Brothers are g*y for eachother

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