
Do you like the NY mets?

by Guest21234  |  earlier

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i love the mets and so does all of my dads side of the family exept for my grandpa who likes the Yankees




  1. I like more then the dumb Yankees

  2. Yeah.  I've been a Mets fan since 1962.   Wassamatta?  "Old People" use computers, too :)

    I was originally a BROOKLYN Dodger fan.  That team in LA that calls itself the "Dodgers" really ain't.

  3. you bet I like the Mets. Me, my mom and my brother are all Mets fans, my dad is a Yankee fan.

  4. might as well like em.. they're gonna win the world series this year

  5. no

  6. nope...I'm a Phils fan

  7. NO!  Next to the Boston Red Sox, they are the most unwatchable, unlikeable, uninspiring bunch of players I have ever seen...

  8. why yes, i do.

  9. Most of my family likes the Yanks. A few of them don't.

    My late father was a Yanks fan then switched to the Mets. One of my brothers likes Baltimore while another 1 likes Texas.

  10. I'm  a Boston fan but I don't think the Mets are bad I just hate the Yanks.

  11. No.  I'm a Braves fan.

  12. I cried tears of joy when the yankees beat the mets in the world series does that count???

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