
Do you like the Queen?

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Do you like the Queen?




  1. i like the idea of  having a queen, but i am not keen on the present one, she seems very standoffish and rather old fashioned in her attitudes. admittedly she does a very demanding job and shes not getting any younger. theres just something about her i cant take to.

  2. Love her or loath her you have to admire her for the dedication she has shown to the job she had thrust upon her in 1952, a job she never thought she would ever have.

    Her Majesty has been the one constant in world politics and affiairs for over 50 years, no single politician can claim the same record and this single aspect makes the Queen worth every penny.  She has seen Prime Ministers, Presidents, Dictators, partys and policies come and go and offers any who may ask an impartial outlook.

    Personal I think she does an amazing job, deserves much more respect for the role she has played and hopefully will continue to play for many years to come.

    Yes her life has been one of prestige and luxury but I wouldn't want the invasion of my privacy that the royal family have to put up with for all their money.

    The anthem may be a dirge but I for one will stand and defend the right to say God Save the Queen.

    Britian will never have a President (at least not if I can help it)

  3. I admire her.

  4. Yes,I would give my life for her.

  5. Yes i like her & charlie. Not that ponce hanger on Philip. Bet he counts his lucky stars each night.

  6. She's okay. I'd rather hang out with her than her son, Charles, although it would be really nerve wrecking.

  7. no I don't like old people

  8. I guess she is okay...

  9. Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl but she doesn't have a lot to say

    Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl but she changes from day to day

    I wanna tell her that I love her a lot but I gotta get a belly full of wine

    Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl, someday I'm gonna make her mine

    Oh yeah, Someday I'm gonna make her mine...

    Paul McCartney

  10. Yes, I do.

  11. Yes, I think she represents tradition and nobility.  She has remained a strong presence for Britain.  For me, having lived abroad where there is no monarchy, I have a much deeper respect and appreciation for what a monarchy brings to a country.  While some of the traditions and ceremonies may seem out-dated and pompous, there is something about them that defines a culture and reminds us of where we've come from, and our achievements.  I believe the Queen is often misunderstood.  I often have to remind myself of her age, and what she's been through.  I think the younger generation have a lot to learn from our senior citizens; most of all, humility and respect.  Long Live The Queen!

  12. Long Live the Queen!

  13. I've never met her. I don't dislike her. I think she could be quite cold (that's the English stiff upper-lip though). you never see photos of her hugging or kissing her grandchildren. but there's no doubt she's been a strong and influencial leader and is dedicated to her job.
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