
Do you like the feel of sand on your feet when at the Beach?

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I do some people hate it.




  1. NO I hate sand.It drives my husband crazy when we go on holidays I have to try not to touch the sand too much.I f I go in the water I hate the wet sand and the feeling of it on my skin.Much prefer being by the pool but hubby enjoys beach so have to compromise.You can usually spot me sat on a towel not touching the sand obsessing it's touching me.God I'm strange.My mum has a picture of me as a young child crying because she put me on the sand I hated it even then I have to sit on a towel or a sun lounger.Please don't judge me.

  2. No ..............hideous!

  3. yes. but i hate how afterwards you  have to wash it off so you dont get the car dirty

  4. yes ma'am.

  5. almost forgotten whats its like,its been so long,but yes I do,its very good for your feet anyway,its breaks down the hard skin.

  6. yes

  7. If the sand is dry it is not too bad, but if it is damp and soggy I am not so keen.

  8. yes,obeviously because it give relaxation to me.

  9. Its kinda like a massage.

  10. i like it but i hate taking it home with me and having it in my shoes for a week

  11. barefoot is best, plus a natural foot exfoliation

  12. what kind of question is that and no

  13. yes, but I love that feeeling.

  14. I like the smooth feel of sand under my feet.

  15. When my little girl just started to walk, we, her dad and I took her to the seaside, we couldn't wait to take off her shoes and socks, and gently placed her on the sand... she screamed, and cryed, we raced back to the car, and to the hotel, sure she was hurt.

    An old lady, when we told her started to laugh, saying had we not realised that to a child, the 'earth' was moving, under her feet, and how weird that must have felt, let alone frightening.

    I always remembered this, and smile whenever I take off my shoes and walk in soft sand.

    a friend x

  16. I love the feel of sand between my toes at the beach. But after going for a swim i hate the feel of sand in my togs.

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