
Do you like the feeling of paper against your face when it's fresh out of the printer.?

by  |  earlier

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ps..harriet wants to know dont htell her haha




  1. No, but I do like the feeling of a bagel against my face when it is fresh out of the toaster oven.

  2. lol, what's with that, i know it's warm but i haven't tried it yet, i like the it's smell, haha

  3. what kind of question is this!! lmao you are RANDOM!

  4. duh! who doesnt

  5. and the smell :)

  6. yesss i do.

    is it weird?

    lol oh well if it is, its not THAT weird,


    and i like the smell of paper, books, and just overall wood lol

  7. whose harriet

    LOL at the girl who said she 'overall likes wood' i lol'ed forreal

    best answer her

  8. ummmmmmmm ummmmmmmm ummmmmmmmmmmmmm i never thought to try?

  9. yeah it feels all warm on my face lol.

  10. not to bad :)

  11. yes....the warm feel and the fresh smart look xD

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