
Do you like the food at Village Inn?

by  |  earlier

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If so, what is you favorite dish to order?




  1. nah my bo works there not my fav or even close to okay .. donmt know why not that great,

  2. no i don't

    it's discusting


  3. I like most of the food there just never order the chicken fired stake, I had been eating there a lot and one night it just was not that good I was bored so I started picking at it and I pealed off a perfectly round disk of some kind of sliced meat almost like lunch meat, I just wanted to puke as I could not tell what it was I really hope it was Canadian bacon, the manager thought I was pulling something until he looked closed one side was clearly the fired part and the other side was clearly some form of rounded meat, they told me they don't even bread it there that it comes from the supplier, they competed my food and offered me any thing I wanted from the menu but I could not sand to eat there, it took me two years before I went back and only because my wife loves it but I will never order any thing fried from them.

  4. I had breakfast there.  I thought it was pretty good.  Had pancakes, eggs and bacon w/ oj.

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