
Do you like the great wide open...?

by Guest67188  |  earlier

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or are you more of a city person?




  1. Both have their advantages, but I prefer to have green and space around me.

  2. No I love country i feel more at peace there and while there im in my element i can be more imaginative i write songs so i feel more inspired when in the open then after some time i start missin city life

  3. I'm not going to sully this q with cheap innuendo ..... ;-)

  4. Having lived on farms for most of my life, I moved into the city a couple of years ago. I hate the smell (polution), I hate the traffic, I miss hearing the birds singing in the morning, I miss being able to scream at the top of my lungs when I get cranky (neighbours get annoyed), I really hate having to have curtains in my house (again, the neighbours), I miss being able to walk for miles and not see another person.

    Its just too hard to feel connected to nature, when your surrounded by concrete.

  5. I like working in the city but i could never live too central, it would be far too exhausting!

  6. definitely city, i like to be assured that i have access to everything i need and that theres alot of people around me.

    something really scary about being semi-alone in a big wide space. its like if something happens to you, then no ones there to save you. ahhhhh  

  7. Babe i like to spread my wings and soar.

  8. im more of a small city person and i like rural areas for getaways like camping or bed and breakfast. i could never lve in a big city to0 crowded.

  9. No I really like the bush

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