
Do you like the idea of a musical about pirates?

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I'm thinking of writing a script, and want to know your thoughts...




  1. Technically there is a musical about pirates.

    The Pirate Queen.

  2. It could be

    I think the whole pirate thing is overdone, though.

  3. I would have to say no-

    a play (instead of a musical) would be nice though.

    Why? Pirates are supposed to have rough, hard speaking voices, so if they talk and then transition into a song, it may sound a little funny.

  4. Sure. Pirates of Penzance is kind of a musical.  

  5. Technically there are many musicals and operettas about pirates, actually.  The Pirate Queen is one.  Glibert and Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance is another.  Both are great, but if you have a new plot line, yours could be too.

  6. pirates of penzance. stupidest thing ever. if you want to do it try not to make it anything like pirates of penzance.  

  7.   Actually, and with no offense meant, it is not an original thought, though there aren't any original thoughts any more, just ways of expressing them differently.

      Obviously you have Penzance answers, Castaways was another Pirate Opera, based on another work, and if you think about it, P of The C is as close as one might get to just adding a score.

       That rhetoric over with, and since you are only THINKING, what might be your notion, of setting, characterizations etc.?  With no offense meant to any in the craft, or in a preference regarding gender, I suspect Pirate as a parody piece could portray them as cross dressers etc., but any ARGGGGH, might come off like "HOOK" and those "Bad Guys".

       Again, and with respect, not trying to deter you, but it might be a hard sell at this point, given the lack of originality, in the theme at least.

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