
Do you like the idea of day light saving time? is it really helping us to save energy or its???

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affecting us for our everyday routine??




  1. Its good for the kids that go to school, The sun come out earlier than if they don't put the time back.

  2. I personally feel that the idea sucks and don't even understand why we still have it, I mean, how exactly does it save energy?  I thought it was more for the purpose of business, so there was more time for shopping.

  3. I question that is really saves energy. It is just the government's way of making everybody get up early.

  4. I hate daylight savings time.  

    Unfortunately it does save money, millions of dollars.  The Federal government has cited several studies that show energy and productivity value to the practice when it chose to propose the extension of the practice recently.

  5. Daylight savings time wasn't initially intended to help us safe was just to Save let there be more daylight during the hours when we are awake.  So then, it came to the point...where does help us safe energy from lighting...because we are awake during the most light hours... but winter is inevitable for saving energy from light, becuase there isn't enough light to extend the full 18hours that we are awake.

  6. Seeing how many days Energy consumption is at it's max.  No it's not doing absolutely anything.  It would be about 1/1000th of a hundredth of a thousandth of a percent of power saving.  It serves other purposes besides "energy saving". It keeps our calender in line.

  7. When the energy conservation act was passed it stated it was to save more energy.  Really how much energy in a week can you save, I think it was ridiculous myself.  then on FOXNEWS OR CNN it was saying it really only saves Americas like 1% on the energy bill.  It probably costs or money to pass the darn bill.

  8. I like our time now.

    With the fall back you lose a full hour of day light & have to go indoors early & turn on the lights. I just don't get it.

  9. It does nothing

  10. Yes, to turn the clocks back means that we have one less hour of sun.  This means less energy reaching the Earth, and cooler climate.

    This can be proved by decreasing temperatures ahead until we turn the clocks forward again, which will cause the planet to warm up again.

  11. Just more mind control by our power mad leaders.

  12. Here in Canada Daylight Savings Time began in Saskatchewan.

    The only province which does not have Daylight Savings Time any more?  Saskatchewan.

    It is annoying and confusing, especially if you do business with any country in the Southern hemisphere (eg Austrralia); they fall forward and spring back.  So 1/2 the year there is a 14 hr difference, 1/2 the year there is a 16 hour difference, and two weeks out of the year (they don't change on the same date) there is a 15 hour difference.  THAT is confusing!

    Time to get rid of it.

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