
Do you like the layout on this website?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I agree, terrible on the eyes.

    The site looks way too cluttered.

    Believe it, or not, a simple site layout usually has a better consumer response than one cluttered with ads from you trying to make a few cents per click.

    Also, if you want to be successful, lose the free hosting.

    Yes, it may be free, but it has two HUGE disadvantages.

    1. The hosting company reserves the right to use YOUR traffic to advertise and make THEM money.

    2. Usually a free hosting company is looking to host sites in quantity, not quality. i.e. lower reliability, your server could go down, anytime and you would be screwed.

    Also, if the free hosting company decided one day that they were not going to host anymore... BAM just like that, your content is gone.  

  2. not so good if you chang the back color to blue or any thing it is will be better

  3. Absolutely NO.

    - Top Ten Web Design Mistake #6: Horizontal scroll bar.  The site has been designed for a 1280 resolution and shows a H scroll bar on all lower resolutions.  (Enough for me to quit)

    - Top Ten Web Design Mistake #3: POP-UPs!  Two pop-ups during home page load? (I quit).

    - Free Web Host: unwanted adverts, immediately noted by anyone as a site "not to visit" (The domain name says it all)

    You have a good idea and commendable, but you will never be taken seriously on a free host.

    Spend 100$/year to make it "serious".

    Good luck.

  4. that's terrible and uses outdated HTML :<

  5. its ok.

    pretty good actually.

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