
Do you like the name Cholera for a baby girl?

by  |  earlier

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It means "sweet companion" in my culture.




  1. Very funny... So, you'd have a son named Peenith and a daughter named Cholera. For all of you unintelligent people who said this is a pretty name, it is a disease and it does not mean "sweet companion" in any language. This guy also asked a question a little while ago asking why nurses laughed at his son because his name is Peenith!!! This guy has wayyyyyy too much time on his hands!!!

  2. Oh yes!   Her middle name must be Braunshitta!

    I think this name is going to catch on and spread like an epidemic.

  3. Personally I prefer Pox or Typhoid..

  4. it does sound pretty but im afraid the meaning of it in the english language is this:

    1. An acute infectious disease of the small intestine, caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae and characterized by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps, severe dehydration, and depletion of electrolytes. Also called Asiatic cholera.

    2. Any of various diseases of domesticated animals, such as chickens, turkeys, or hogs, marked by severe gastroenteritis.

  5. Slappy!

    Thats quite enough about your culture.

    I bet you are a very bored person.

  6. Adorable! Kinda makes you wanna run out an get vaccinated. Beautiful!

  7. If you have twins you could name the other Chlamydia.

    I hope I helped.


  8. I prefer Diptheria

  9. That's kinda like my friend wanting to name her daughter Chlamydia. Cholera is pretty sounding but its a disease that has killed millions of people... I know I definately wouldn't want that as a name. Kids have enough problems getting teased. Don't bait the teasers.  

  10. does "slappy" mean annoying piece of **** in your culture? or is it waste of a human body?

  11. And everyone must not know who Slappy is? He has some quite funny names on here....he's such a jokester!

  12. lol,no slappy boy,its a name of an eradicated the way you are from which culture & what's your ethnicity?

  13. Great name; but only if her middle name is 'Epidemic'.

    If that doesn't work for you, how about 'Typhoid Mary', or maybe Syphilis Demented?

    I assume your name is SHITFOR BRAINS?

  14. I actually like this fake meaning name this time. Cholera Nadia

  15. It depends on how your pronouncing it if you pronounce it like Call-Er-Uh then i'd say it soudns more like a name for a disease lol

  16. It's very pretty.  


  18. Not particularly.  It's a disease.  LOL

  19. i think smallpox, or tuberculosis is a lot cuter.

  20. In your culture, its a neat name. In America it means a disease. Just be cautious, though I like it. Its unique.

  21. Lovely name.  In my culture it refers to an infectious disease that causes death by dehydration, sometimes within hours.

  22. GROSS!!! It means this by definition!!!:

    Cholera, sometimes known as Asiatic cholera or epidemic cholera, is an infectious gastroenteritis caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.[1][2] Transmission to humans occurs through ingesting contaminated water or food. The major reservoir for cholera was long assumed to be humans themselves, but considerable evidence exists that aquatic environments can serve as reservoirs of the bacteria.

    Vibrio cholerae is a Gram-negative bacterium that produces cholera toxin, an enterotoxin, whose action on the mucosal epithelium lining of the small intestine is responsible for the characteristic massive diarrhoea of the disease. In its most severe forms, cholera is one of the most rapidly fatal illnesses known, and a healthy person may become hypotensive within an hour of the onset of symptoms; infected patients may die within three hours if treatment is not provided. In a common scenario, the disease progresses from the first liquid stool to shock in 4 to 12 hours, with death following in 18 hours to several days without oral rehydration therapy.

    Also, another source:

    Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The infection is often mild or without symptoms, but sometimes it can be severe. Approximately one in 20 infected persons has severe disease characterized by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. In these persons, rapid loss of body fluids leads to dehydration and shock. Without treatment, death can occur within hours.

    Surely you don't want to name your daughter after diarrhea!!!!!!

  23. i prefer ECOLI

  24. The hilarious part of this is that some people actually still take this clown seriously. I can't imagine how pathetic your life must be that you result to this for entertainment.  

  25. What is your culture? Have you considered her as an adult with the name cholera? There could be some speculation..

    Though a great name in your culture :D

    P.s, its an illness

  26. No. Not at all. I don't want to be rude, but Cholera is a disease. Don't name your daughter after an illness.

  27. no, it means a disease. i wouldn't name a boy cancer either.

  28. Uhmm... I don't reccomend it as a baby name. Cholera is a disease.  

  29. "Cholera" is a disease! Don't saddle your child with a name like that!


  31. In English it means something else. Have you never heard of cholera epidemics that killed thousands of people? Check it out in wikipedia.

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