
Do you like the name Doldrum for a baby boy?

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It means "noble hero" in my culture.




  1. nope sorry.  it sounds like dum dum to me.=(  i really am sorry.  just telling the truth.

  2. I've heard worse, does your culture speak ebonics??

  3. No, i am sorry but i don't really like it. It does not sound good, and it sounds kind of evil in a way. It's a very nice meaning though :)

  4. I think u make these things up. NO, it means depression.

  5. aww thats a cute name, yes

  6. It really doesn't matter about what the world thinks its your child if you like it name him that but in my opinion I like that name its very unique and I am unique!

  7. I am down with that.

  8. It bores me.

    Looks like we have a new legion of "shut up slappy's"

  9. I do like unusual baby names and I like the hard consonant sounds of doldrum but the word doldrum has a negative connotation and the word itself describes listlessness and depression, so I think that makes it not a good baby name.

  10. Slap-Happy, don't worry! These playa hataz thatz all up in ya shiznizall will be gettin sum frum da yawho adminz. I gotcha bac!

    As for the name, it bores me. Surely Penisha deserves a brother with a more solid name than that!

    Holla at yo gizzurrl!

  11. Doldrum means like depression. But, I think you already knew that.

    I always thought it was a pretty cool sounding word, ever since I read The Phantom Tollbooth (amazing book). I think it would be kind of a cool name, if it didn't have the negative connotation.

    LOLz! to all the people who don't know what it means saying its "cute" and "unique"

  12. No.  It may mean that in your culture but in the American culture it means "the blues" ie depressed; sad etc. etc. I'd hate for your baby to have that kind of baggage to carry with him.

  13. No..this is why says:

    dol·drums     Audio Help   /ˈdoʊldrəmz, ˈdɒl-, ˈdɔl-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dohl-druhmz, dol-, dawl-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

    –noun (used with a plural verb)

    1. a state of inactivity or stagnation, as in business or art: August is a time of doldrums for many enterprises.

    2. the doldrums,

    a. a belt of calms and light baffling winds north of the equator between the northern and southern trade winds in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

    b. the weather prevailing in this area.

    3. a dull, listless, depressed mood; low spirits.

    [Origin: 1795–1805; obs. dold stupid (see dolt) + -rum(s) (pl.) n. suffix (see tantrum)]

    —Synonyms 3. depression, gloom, melancholy, dejection.

  14. LOL, it's not a very positive word for native English speakers,  but I agree that it kind of sounds like a name lol.

  15. I think you need to be institutionalized.  

  16. I don’t like it. The word Doldrum actually refers to a region near the equator where there is very little wind. The Doldrums are notorious with sailors because this region's periods of deadly calm could trap boats for days or weeks on end as they waited for enough wind to power their sails. When I here "Doldrum" I think of not much happening and would view it almost as a derogatory name. Its a personal choice though and if it means something different to you - go for it :)

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