
Do you like the name Farthomas for a baby boy?

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It means "Thomas from a far away land" in my culture.




  1. I see it as a meaning for bullies and kids to make fun of him "f**t" Thomas...Thomas farts, etc...

    Just call him Thomas.

  2. beautiful meaning for in your cultrue unfortunetly children welll people are mean in this world. so i'd suggest a diffrent name for your child

  3. I will f**t on your baby

  4. It makes me feel all bubbly inside. Maybe its just gas.

  5. thanks for the two points

  6. Yes, I love it! We're naming our son Ashole (ash-oh-leh).  It's means "sacred opening" in my husband culture.

    Good luck with the new little one!

  7. No..people in school will call him "f**t"..don't do it

  8. I would have to say no for the baby's sake.  I mean, think of all the horrible nicknames he might get???????

  9. Oh slappy you make me laugh so hard

  10. No I Hate it Don't Name the kid farthomas It sounds and looks like f**t!!!!!!!

  11. The word "f**t" is in it. Not a good name if the baby will be living in the US.

  12. agreement with most everyone here. Please do not name the kid f**t!! LOL

    Oh man i'm dying laughin over here, i'm sorry!!!

  13. sure, it's awesome. 2 pts for me.

  14. Sorry to be blunt, but I don't like it.

    Think of the kid when he's older, being called 'f**t'

  15. No it sucks. People will call him f**t something. Think about his feelings in school.

  16. no, it has the word "f**t" in it. think of the tragedy while going through school! kids can make fun of any name, but dont make it easy. your in america, and no kids are going to care what it means. sorry, just honest

  17. no haha

    it sounds funny because it has the word f**t in it. Maybe someone will call your baby boy f**t oneday for short

  18. It kinda sounds like Father then when you get called Father

    by your baby boy like you will both maybe get confused.

    How about Thomas Fartamouse? Even tho you say the name

    already means Thomas, I dunno it might work.

    Good luck. I'm choosing Baby Names too. So far, we like

    Phineas for a boy and Finessa for a girl.

  19. Sorry but no.  That kid would be so miserable at school.

  20. I don't even like it for a baby beetle!

  21. I love that name!  You are so smart.  That name is the greatest name I have ever heard of.  It is so very creative matey!  I think you just might be the second coming of Jesus for coming up with such a brilliant name.  Crikies, I want to steal that name for me-self.  I think Farthomas will someday rule the world solely because of his wonderful name and the person who named him it.  I love Farthomas.

  22. no because it starts with f**t, and the kids are gonna make fun of him always calling him f**t, or farty.

  23. NO. i will feel sorry for him if you give him that name. people will make fun of him at school constantly and he will hate you for it.

  24. Honestly...NO....just because my culture would tear him/her a new one growing up in school...Bullies revel for kids with names like this...sorry...just my opinion.

  25. Oh Slappy, you and your crazy culture. Go ahead name him Farthomas if it will shut you up.

  26. not to be mean...but if that was my name i would probably kill myself. like...why would you even consider that. pick a normal name that your kid will like.

  27. OMG Slappy. I love this name. It's very explosively fragrant. It means sweet smelling child in my culture and is a family name of ours. Go with it. This name is quite pungent indeed!

  28. it actually means anal gasses of thomas in mu culture. I think you should research a little more on our culture before asking names like those, they are kind of weird for our culture

  29. You should definately listen to p**p Master on this one because he is our expert anal expert. Go with Fartholemew to avoid such embarassment.

  30. I have three children and I like uncommon names.  But, when I heard this one I can honestly say I first thought f**t and my son who is 14 said "f**t on us". He said he would get teased.  Maybe not in a mean way but in a fun way in the least. Sorry, I would keep trying if I were you.  

  31. It's unique but give it to him as his middle name because he might not like it. Even though he could be called tom or thomas for short. So either way its not bad

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