
Do you like the name Mandarin Peach for a girl?

by  |  earlier

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I think it's very husband doesn't care for it.

I also like the name Sunshine Hayper (Hay-poh)

Favorite out of those 2?




  1. Cherry Pop would be better!

    Maybe Beef Jerky?


  2. not either of them, ugh. Those are horrible names, i'm so sorry.  

  3. Yeah, Mandarin Peach is a great name...for a MILKSHAKE!

    Wtf are you thinking?

  4. If I HAD to pick any of those four names, it would be Sunshine. But I'd imagine it would be the child of hippies.

  5. Great joke-thanks

  6. those names are cute for a little kid but what about when she grows up it won't be a good name for a grown woman.

  7. Maybe Sunshine but thats all

  8. Oh wow, that sounds more like a fruit cocktail than a name. Give your child an actual name, and name your cat or dog Mandarin Peach and Sunshine Hayper!

  9. Mandarin Peach?!  Are you serious?  No, I don't like it - I would never name a child with the first and middle name as fruits!!!

  10. Are you serious?  Yuck

  11. Seriously?

  12. Have you been craving a lot of fruit during your pregnancy?  Honestly, none of them are good.

    Remember that she is going ot grow up and try to be taken seriously as a woman.  Peach and Sunshine aren't really going to help her in that endeavor.

  13. I like the name Sunshine but i don't really like the Hayper part

  14. Absolutely not!!! She would be teased in school.. thats for sure

  15. mandarin peach is ridiculous!

    it sounds like a pie! no wait! a juice!

    sunshine, no

    hayper is pretty if its said the way its spelled

  16. Remember that she is going to be 40 years old some day and writing a resume, looking for job, talking to recruiters, possibly running for public office.

    No one is going to take her seriously with that kind of name and will make her a source of laughter for others.  

  17. When my mom was pregnant with my littlest brother, my other brother wanted to name the baby "Sunshine" if it was a girl and "Dokey" if it was a boy.  

    I like Sunshine, but don't really like Hayper.

    I also like Peaches as a nickname, but not as a formal name.  

    Good luck!

  18. i hate mandarin peach hate hate hate

    i've always loved the names sunshine and my boyfriend hates it

    i really don't like hayper either...

  19. Both choices are frightening.  

    You are naming a human child, not a Jell-O flavour.

    Hayper/Haypoh is beyond hideous!

  20. They are both the worst names ever.

  21. Well, I love to eat mandarins. Don't care much for peaches, though.

  22. nooo to peaches.

    How about just Peaches



    Sunshine is ok









  23. Sounds like a stripper name. Maybe if you incorporated a more 'normal' or   common name, like Brittney or something, it might fly.

    But going with fruit names for a baby? That's something Gwyneth Paltrow can barely pull off with. And she's famous. And that's the only reason why her kid is gonna make it.  

  24. hahah nice names... i think the mandarin peach iz cute... lol... my kidz names are mango and sprite... haha sooo ima bigg fan of wierd namez!!!

  25. I sure hope your joking....

  26. Mandarin is the name of a Chinese restaurant just down the street from my house.

    Peach is the name of a fruit.

    Sunshine just sounds stupid.

    Hayper is made up.

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