
Do you like the name Planchette? What's a good middle name to go with it?

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Do you like the name Planchette? What's a good middle name to go with it?




  1. That's a terrible name! Try Paula for a girl, Paul for a boy.

  2. I don't like it because it sounds like a food. Kids were cruel when I was in school and I know that they have only gotten worse. I would choose something else.

  3. I'd call the kid, "Placenta" if I ever saw the thing on the playground.

  4. Please don't ):

    Your baby will not like you & will be rather depressed that you would do such a thing to him/her.

  5. You're kidding right?  lol

  6. If you're gonna give your kid the first name "Planchette", you might as well give 'em the middle name "Myparentshateme".

  7. Try Blancmange. Yuk.

  8. Ooh. No. Haha, I'm all for creative names, believe me, but I also know how it feels to go through life with one. To constantly have it mispronounced and misspelled, have people ask if your parents are weird or hippies or something, to never be able to find those cool personalized pencils and stuff when you're a kid...not to mention all those merciless kids on the playground just looking for things to make fun of each other about. Naming your child Planchette is just asking for her to be tortured her entire childhood. Plus, it's going to haunt her in her adult life, as well. Honestly...Well, Planchette, we would be honored if you'd come to work for us? This is our most distinguished company rep, Planchette? Congresswoman Planchette? It doesn't really have a nice ring to it.

    All that aside, I personally don't think it's a very pretty name, either.

  9. Planchette Rodana. That way she can hate you for the rest of her life!!!

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