
Do you like the name Todd alexander?

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Do you like the name Todd alexander?




  1. I do like it.  It's nice.  And it sure beats all those weird names people are naming their children these days.  :O

  2. Yes I do, this is what has to say about the names,


    English: transferred use of the surname, which was originally a nickname from an English dialect word meaning “fox”.


    English, Dutch, German, and Hebrew: from the Latin form of the Greek name Alexandros, which is composed of the elements alexein to defend + aner man, warrior (genitive andros). The compound was probably coined originally as a title of the goddess Hera, consort of Zeus. It was also borne as a byname by the Trojan prince Paris. The name became extremely popular in the post-classical period, and was borne by several characters in the New Testament and some early Christian saints. Its use as a common given name throughout Europe, however, derives largely from the fame of Alexander the Great, King of Macedon (356–23BC), around whom a large body of popular legend grew up in late antiquity, much of which came to be embodied in the medieval “Alexander romances”. It also became a popular Hebrew name under Alexander the Great's benign rule of Palestine. Cognates: Scottish Gaelic: Alasdair (Anglicized as Alistair). Irish Gaelic: Alastar. French: Alexandre. Italian: Alessandro. Spanish: Alejandro. Catalan: Aleixandre. Portuguese: Alexandre. Romanian: Alexandru. Russian: Aleksandr. Ukrainian: Oleksander. Polish: Aleksander. Czech: Alexandr. Hungarian: Sándor. Yiddish: Sender.

    Short forms: English: Alex, Alec, Alick. Italian: Sandro.

    Pet forms: English, Scottish: Sandy (Gaelic Sandaidh). Scottish: Sawney. Russian: Sasha, Sanya, Shura. Polish: OleS, Olech, Olek. Czech: Olexa.

    A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press

    Hope this helps.

  3. Not Bad. Always remember the last initial  has a big part to do with a name. Say if his were G- TAG-your it.(I've known worse,but  i'm sure you follow my line of thought.

  4. I love the name Todd Alexander.  Sounds like a great choice!

  5. I think Boys especially need good strong male names.

    otherwise they get teased alot when they are in school.

    I think that is a wise choice.

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