
Do you like the name Waylan for a boy?

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I finally persuaded my husband from naming him Bluebonnet, He really wants this name now......I kind of do too but I am on the fence what do yo u think about it? :)




  1. it's alright...I like Wyatt better

  2. no

  3. Its Ok

    Better than Bluebonnet

    Not a name I would choose


  4. I think you are funny

  5. I would laugh if I met someone named Bluebonnet!

    Go with Waylan

  6. I LOVE it!! Its so orginal but not in a weird way!

  7. It's acceptable.

  8. i really like it but ill tell u what i tell everyone else do not be set on one name have a few in mind because when the baby coems out the name you love might not fit his features, i loved Koral but my daughter came out with brown hair and i like koral for blonde hair and so we had another name ready mayzie it just fits her better and now we just had our son so we had sawyer for brown hair and Korbin for blonde hair and he has blonde hair. the name has to fit the baby.


    Waylan/Waylon/Weyland is one of my absolute favorite names for a boy! It's not a name you'll hear every day and it's a breath of fresh air again the Jaylan/Aidan/Peyton-esque sea of names. I say go for it!

  10. I really like Waylan. It is a classic, and very strong and masculine! We are naming my boy Westyn.


  11. I picture a barefoot kid wearing cut-off jeans shorts and a raccoon hat shooting squirrels in the woods with a BB gun... but maybe it's just me.

  12. It is better than Bluebonnet, so I would be glad to compromise with a half way decent name.

  13. I have a cousin named Waylan...took me awhile to get used to it.  Heather's description of a boy with cut off jeans, raccoon hat and BB gun is funny because it would totally fit this kid too!

  14. It's better than Bluebonnet, but it's still bad, unless you want your son to be a country singer, In that case it's great.

  15. Eh... It would be alright.

    It sounds like Wailing-like crying.

    I do know someone with this as a last name though and I never thought twice about it until now.

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