
Do you like the name kayleigh and do you think it is too common?

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i am not having a baby.




  1. I really like the name Kayleigh.

    So what if its 'common', if you like it then its your choice!!

  2. I like it, but spelt Kailey. I think Its pretty and not as common as the alternative, Hailey.

    I also think Its prettier.

  3. Common, Sorry,

  4. I quite like the name and I've only known two people with it  - one Kayleigh and one Kaylee, so I don't think of it as being common.

  5. I dont think its common at all, Im 20 and have only ever come across 5 Kayleigh's, I went to 4 different schools and live in a big city so not many Kayleighs at all if you think about it.

    I do like my name, Its alot nicer than the usual Sarah, Becky or Laura. And i prefer it spelt Kayleigh too, Rather than Kaylei, Kaylee or K-Lee. I was named after the marrillion song, Was you?

  6. i looove the name kayleigh!! thts wot i wanna call my kid one day!! its a lovely name!! and NO it aint common at all!!

  7. i love it and no i don't think its 2 common

  8. I like it yeh but prefer it spelt Kailey just to be different.

  9. I like the name. It seems pretty common though, I know quite a few kayleigh's.

  10. I only know one


    So no I dont think its common

    Its a lovely , pretty name xx

  11. I like it, but  spelled KAYLIE.

  12. I like the name i haven't heard it that often.

  13. I like it but i prefer it spelt Kaylee.

  14. I think it's okay, I only know and heard of one Kailey (<--spelled like that though but same thing) in my whole life so I don't think it's too

  15. I've never heard it before...but it seems pretty.

  16. Do you really have to ask? If you want your child to be marked out for life as a chav, name them Kayleigh.

    Honestly, if someone called Kayleigh applied for a job, you'd get a mental picture of them before you even met them... big hoop ear--rings, hair pulled back into a frizzy pony tail, cheap clothes, smoking a cigarette, lots of gold chains, poorly educated, no class whatsoever.

    I'm sorry if this offends you, but people do make harsh judgments on names and that's the image Kayleigh conjures up. Parents should be aware how the name they give their child will label that child for the rest of it's life.

  17. hmmm....its a nice name......

  18. I think it's a lovely name,marillion sing a song thats called kayleigh.Don't listen to anyone else ,make your choice based on how you feel about the name, and then go with your heart.

  19. It's not common for adults, but there are tons of 6-8yr olds named Kayleigh/Kaylee/Kayley/Caleigh/ Caley/Calee/Caylee

    I could keep going.  It's not nearly as popular as it was.  You'll never make everyone happy with the name you choose, If you like it-go for it.  I prefer Kayla, but that's my opinion.  I like the name(not with the double e's), but if you're asking if it's common, yes.

  20. sorry, but it sounds very common

  21. Hello,

    (ANS) I personally think kayleigh sounds a wee bit ordinary to be honest with you. I can see its appeal but it doesn't excite my interest really.


  22. Actually, according to USA SSA statistics, this name is quite popular, finishing off at no. 266 in the top 1000 list for year 2006.

    It's a variant of Kaylee, and there are many other nice variant forms of Kayleigh, such as Kailee, Kaylie. Personally, I like the name and don't think there's anything wrong with it!

  23. Far too common, all the dogs in our neighborhood are named that.

  24. I've never heard it before. I think it's a  good name but very strange!!

  25. I don't like alternative spellings, sorry.

  26. It's a nice name. Although I know a few Kayleigh/Kayley's.

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